At the moment, it seemed like Vreta was the only one in a position to actually react. He regained his footing quickly after freeing the first Human woman, so he could still do [i]something[/i]. The soldier took a hard hit. Vreta did not know if she still lived and was just incapacitated, but he could at least make the effort to save her. Vreta’s own saving grace was the fact that the creature did not immediately shift its attention to him. He kept low and rushed to the soldier, putting one arm around her to help drag her back away from the beast while its attention was on the door. In his other hand, he grabbed her rifle, but focused mostly on putting some distance between the beast and the two of them, though that only lasted a few seconds. When the Human shouted at the creature, Vreta had to make a choice. Ideally, he would just want to let the thing run away and leave them alone, but if one soldier had found them, then there were probably even more outside. They would likely shoot on sight, and the creature would duck back indoors, even if it did get the door open. This was probably not going to be as easy as just letting it run away, so Vreta had to act. Vreta removed his arm from around the soldier, then threw the cutting torch he had been holding at the creature’s feet. As it flew through the air, he quickly transitioned to taking aim with the rifle with practiced speed. The weapon itself was small and somewhat awkward in his hands, but he still held it as one with familiarity with firearms. As the cutter hit the ground, he opened fire on its fuel tank, turning it into a makeshift incendiary bomb and coating the creature’s underside in a layer of burning liquid fuel.