[color=6ecff6][b][h3]Terneus Andros[/h3] [/b][/color] The walk in the night had been tiresome, even for someone as highly accomplished, esteemed and powerful as the ever so benevolent governor, Terneus Andros. He had turned around to look how far he had gotten several times, even if he possessed the ability to create light, it was not an ideal thing as he would be making himself a target. There was also no fancy pavillion, bed or carriage where he could drift off into sleep either, and sleeping on the ground was something only dogs did. Or other kind of beasts. The elven man felt how his back, his legs and pretty much his entire body ached, how could that port town to the north be so far away? It had seemed so close on the maps, and when he went around by his carriage. The thought of having lost his carriage made him grit his teeth, and he felt the need to blame someone for it's destruction. It wasn't his fault for certain. The mothlike fairy? Commander Feldrin? His incapable disappointment of guards? There were many to blame for his ill fortune, it couldn't all be a test from the elder elven gods could it? Had they not already tormented his pride and honor enough as it were? To humiliate him in this manner, it was likely signs of much good fortune to come in the near future. All he had to do now was to hold on. Terneus could also feel how his throat was getting sore, he wanted some elven wine... and food. But there was no servant nearby to provide him with such, he should never have gone out of the city. [color=6ecff6][i]'It's all those idiotic beastfolks fault, they hogged all the food and let this happen to me.'[/i][/color] He thought and wrinkled his face, to the point his injury reminded itself of it's presence. [color=6ecff6][i]'At least that damned commander Dreadclaw got what he deserved. Good riddance!'[/i][/color] He mused. But it had been a filthy half-breed that had summoned the large demon. It was surely not one of King Aklenroth's servants, why would he surround himself with beings of lesser worth? A bird should be in a cage. Be it as something to look at, amuse yourself with or have in a prison. Or teach it to repeat your words, even if it's pronounciation is far from correct. It was then, caught amidst his thoughts thinking of himself that the ever so humble governor saw salvation ahead. It took the form of a muddy pool of water. It was water... but it was tainted water. But he was thirsty... his throat was killing him about as much as the rest of his body. Upon closer inspection as he approached it he saw a squirrel come running towards the pool of muddy water. [color=6ecff6][b]"Oh no you don't! Scram! It's mine!"[/b][/color] He screamed out and hurled himself forwards, slipping in the nearby mud, his once white attire being torn and no longer recognizable as white. The elf snarled at the squirrel which halted it's approach and ran back to a nearby tree and looked at him and chippered in an angry manner at the elf which now was stealing his water supply. The governor breathed heavily on all fours and looked at his own reflection in the muddy water, he had never looked as bad as he did now. The elf felt like crying, but crying were for commoners and not rich people like himself so he suppressed the feeling. He gave the muddy water another glance of a mixture of disgust and craving at the same time. [color=6ecff6][i]'Why? Why must you punish me so? Have I not been a rightful, kind and just man? What have I ever done to deserve this?'[/i][/color] He momentarily looked to the sky, as if expecting mercy from the elven gods. His head soon fall back in a sense of hopelessness, throwing a glance at the squirrel still watching him. It felt him with new resolve, this little mammal had no right to drink this water. It was now his. The elf breathed out heavily, looking around to make sure he wasn't being watched by anyone else. Before he cupped his hands together and lifted the muddy water to his mouth and began to drink it, it didn't take him long to begin to cough. It tasted terrible, as if it would have been wine made by the demi-humans, or an orc. The coughing got more and more violent but then he set his eyes on the squirrel again, it was still watching him. [color=6ecff6][b]"It's good! Bet you want some of this you filthy fur ridden treerat?! Well you can't have any! It's mine!"[/b][/color] He barked out and took another sip, he felt like throwing it back up but such actions were not befitting of a noble of his standing. The elven man finally got back to his feet, muddied and less gracious than before. But at least he was no longer thirsty. Thus he left the pool of water behind, to which the squirrel quickly and happily made over to and began to drink. [color=6ecff6][b]"Damn it all... "[/b][/color] Terneus muttered, he was too weary to smite the squirrel for it's audacity. Too tired to care for it's theft of the muddy water. The governor knew he couldn't have that long left, he proceeded forwards and closer to the edge of the forest.