[hider=ORIGINAL INTRODUCTION][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Dyk5SAT.jpg?2[/img][/center] [b]The day was beautiful, bright and clear. The light sparkled off the wet, moss covered tree limbs granting the swamp a speckle of fantasty. An old, black robed wizard puttered out of his house, leaning heavily on his walking stick, taking measured, deliberate steps to the cave where he would perform his familiar ritual. He did not know what the word "diagnostic' meant, but he knew that if the shrine said "diagnostic.... complete" then his duty was performed and the gods would be happy, whatever gods there were who created the thing. The old wizard harrumphed, and made his way to the cave.[/b] [table] [row][cell]The child under the crystalline glass of was immobile, frozen in some unnatural state of perpetual sleep. They never decayed, these strange, beautiful children spread throughout the world, they just laid there in perfect peace, frozen until the time foretold. The prophecy was oblique, as all prophecy's are, an almost non-sensical poem: [color=cyan][b][i]All sectors under threat... Harbinger has reactivated... awaken [/i]Asra[i]... begin Crystallis protocols... awaken the Oracles... [/i][/b][/color] According to the ancient wizard craft the Oracles were the children, but Harbinger? Asra? Crystallis? none of that made sense. A part of the old man was curious to know what the ancients were thinking when they planted these children across the world. Another part of him didn't want to know, because something about the existence of these children, these Oracles, felt like the coming of the end of the world.[/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/dYLmJYv.jpg?1[/img][/cell][/row] [/table][/hider] [h1][center][color=2F4F4F][b][i]The Harbinger has Reactivated...[/i][/b][/color][/center][/h1] [center][hider=Draygon's Castle][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/00/83/5100833d301c3eb14c6223fa504384ea.jpg[/img] Before Draygon's thrown are his 12 lieutenants, kneeling in deference, awaiting his command[/hider][/center] [table] [row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/h8w5DYq.jpg?1[/img][/cell][cell][color=3CB371]"You have done well in bringing me the sword Jabberwocky. With this item.... this WEAPON... we shall reign upon this world a nightmare of our creation. We will remake the world in our image. Go, and begin...."[/color] [h1][/h1] [h1][/h1] [h1][/h1][/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/q8urWES.jpg?1[/img][/cell][/row] [/table] [center][hider=The Harbinger][img]https://i.imgur.com/4Hqexj5.jpg[/img] Crystallis and the other swords are keys which function with Harbinger to control weather, electromagnetic energy, and unlock the weapon systems of the tower itself.[/hider][/center] Centuries ago the world ended. The people of that time made miracles of technology, they had discovered how to manipulate the genome, defy gravity, and how to harness the very powers of nature. This world of strange and wondrous things was protected by a guardian, an ever present sentinel, that they called, [i]The Harbinger.[/i] The Harbinger was a weapon system that maintained altitude in the stratosphere, just below the stars. It had the power to surveil the world, and the people of the time decided that to insure peace it would be the only accumulation of weapons of mass destruction. The Harbinger was trusted to bring an everlasting peace, and it worked. Civilization advanced, technology and science leap-frogged into unimaginable discoveries... but it ended in a moment. For some reason unknown the A.I. which operated the Harbinger's weapon systems turned on the world; instead of being a protector, it became the destroyer. As the rogue weapon delivery system devastated the planet with natural disasters and fire bombs, the scientists, in a stroke of brilliant fore-thought, activated a resource to stop Harbinger and save the world! The Oracle protocol was initiated... but by that time it was too late. Nature has grown back, but everything is changed. The genetically enhanced animals of the old world have repopulated and rebalanced the ecosystem. Technology has reverted back to a primitive state, but remnants of old tech are found everywhere by the curious and brave. This new world will forever have the finger print of the techno-geniuses of the past. It is into this beautiful, strange reality that our story takes place. [hider=Sarah] [center][hider=Kensu's Island][img]https://i.imgur.com/YZjY0Ho.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] >.......initiating system boot >.............. >.......Harbinger activated >.............. >....... Awaken the Oracles >.............. [img]https://i.imgur.com/B26lZYp.jpg?1[/img] "Sa.... Sarah wake up...." a musical, sing song voice whispered gently in Sarah's ear. The Oracle began to rouse as the pod hissed and cold air blew out from vents. "Sarah you must wake up, there is little time." Sarah opened her eyes. She could see the little fairy like creature flutter in and out of existence in her peripheral vision. "Good... good... I am Asra. I don't have much time, but I will return when I can. You are safe, and all your questions will be answered, in time. For now seek the one called Kensu, he lives on this island and will gu..." The fairy blinked out of existence, leaving Sarah in a state of mystery. [hider= YOUR NEXT STEPS] You've awoken alone in your pod in a cave. To the south of the cave is a small fishing village. The village is quiet and peaceful, there are birds but you don't see any people. Take stock of your situation and explore the village using the picture posted above as reference. Look for Kensu, he's somewhere on the island. [/HIDER][/hider] [hider=Stephanie] [center][hider=Tinkertown][img]https://i.imgur.com/hzEJypE.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] >.......initiating system boot >.............. >.......Harbinger activated >.............. >....... Awaken the Oracles >.............. [img]https://i.imgur.com/B26lZYp.jpg?1[/img] "Stephanie... Stephanie wake up!" A musical fairy voice piped in Stephanie's ears. The young girl began to stir. "Oh, Good. Stephanie, I am Asra. I am so sorry Stephanie, but there's no time. There's no....." The holographic image of the fairy disappeared. The pod hissed and the lid began to open. [hider=YOUR NEXT STEPS] Tinkertown is situated high on the mountain tops. You've woken up inside of a comfortable pagoda that looks like it was built around your pod. You are completely alone. The people of the town are explorers and archeologists; Tinkers, not warriors. They are currently being attacked by a group of wild bear lizards [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/ORRyKwr.jpg[/img][/right] Your job is to make a decision about the what to do next. Be reasonable, these Bear-lizards are fearsome creatures who are not easy to kill, and you have just woken up from a long cryo-sleep so your disoriented, both emotionally and physically. You can choose to fight the monsters, run, or whatever, it's up to you. Inside of your pod are warmer clothes and a letter from your mom and dad, that is all. Good luck [/hider][/hider]