[center][color=6ecff6][h1][u]Silus Von Klechner[/u][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.ibb.co/jrpkz6f/silusquain.jpg[/img] [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6][h3][b]First Impressions[/b][/h3][/color] A somewhat eccentric and egocentric Dragon Shifter, born of royal blood, and first in line to inherit the throne of the Northern Kingdom. Silus considers himself a great admirer and aficionado of art and beauty. Over the decades of his life, he has surrounded himself with extravagant works of art and opulence. There is a stigma that Dragons needlessly collect and horde riches. For him, its paintings, sculptures, and creations that in one way or another appeal to his grandiose sense of beauty and elegance. When not directly representing the royal family or attending any of the mandatory ceremonies or gatherings those of the royal court must endure, he spends most of his free time out exploring the world, climbing mountains, sailing seas, and going on general unnecessary adventures all in search of a beauty unknown to him, accompanied of course by his royal entourage of guards, slaves, and servants. [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] [color=6ecff6][h3][b]Proactive Stats[/b][/h3][/color] [color=6ecff6]Full Name/Titles[/color] - TBA [color=6ecff6]Age[/color] - 87 [color=6ecff6]Species[/color] - Royal Dragon Shifter [color=6ecff6]Primary Role[/color] - The Villain [color=6ecff6]Secondary Role[/color] - The Royal [color=6ecff6]Society Role[/color] - Prince of the Northern Dragon Kingdom [color=6ecff6]General Description[/color] - TBA [color=6ecff6]Attribute[/color] - Ice, Psionic [color=6ecff6]Full Appearance[/color] [img]https://i.ibb.co/rd7f6W5/64322307-883474772015376-2329736642425782272-n.png[/img] [color=6ecff6]Additional Forms[/color] - TBA[/center] [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] [center][color=6ecff6][h3][b]Abilities[/b][/h3][/color][/center] [color=6ecff6]Ability 1[/color] - Frozen Paradise - Manipulation - Air around Silus rapidly condenses while instantaneously freezing to form super dense ice crystals which take on any shape or form he wishes and can be controlled psionically up to a certain range. More often than not, this power is used to manifest simple commodities such as utensils, dishware, and furniture. In the most extreme cases, he has formed entire mansions and manors, furnishings and all. Things that appeal to Silus' sense of beauty often end up "preserved" in ice or sealed into ice sculptures. When in combat, this power becomes a frightening force to be reckoned with, allowing Silus to conjure weapons, projectiles, defenses, and obstacles. [color=6ecff6]Ability 2[/color] - TBA [color=6ecff6]Ability 3[/color] - TBA [color=6ecff6]Ability 4[/color] - TBA [center][color=6ecff6][h3][b]Weapons[/b][/h3][/color] The Chains of Fate - A coil of magical chains Silus keeps on his person at all times. They are a couple inches thick and reinforced with his own magical power.[/center] [color=6ecff6]Weapon Ability 1[/color] - Fate Unraveling - The chains of fate extend, retract, and bend to the will of the one wielding them. After channeling ones energy into the chains, they will rapidly grow additional links in either direction which seem weightless to the user but as heavy as a normal chain to anyone else. The chains aren't unbreakable but they can be continuously produced as long as the one conjuring them has the energy to do so. Creating to many links can drain ones stamina, sapping them until they pass out if they aren't careful. [color=6ecff6]Weapon Ability 2[/color] - TBA