[hr][color=39b54a][sup][h1] [center][img] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/558670401048412183/759716223557566504/image0.png[/img][/center] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=39b54a][I][b]CHARITY GALA[/b][/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=39b54a][b]Goddess of Prosperity[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] Lights streaked by, the city a blur as the breeze tussled her hair, the golden ringlets floating on the air from the open window and probably ruining any effort she had put into it to make it look presentable. A curl of a smirk fluttered on her glossy pink lips, the purr of the engine giving her a spark of joy as the car suddenly revved while she shifted gears, strappy heels flooring the acceleration without a care in the world. She glided over the streets like a skater on ice, not even the fear of being spotted to down her delighted mood as she knew luck was on her side. It was something she had never been without and she pitied those that didn’t have it in their lives. She understood sometimes a lack of luck is needed though, that the moment has to be right which is why she had tucked herself away from her pantheon. Timing is everything and it had not been time for them to begin to prosper or need the luck she could give earlier than this. The murder of a god even one not of their own meant she was necessary. Her pantheon needed luck, even with all the skills and knowledge they possessed...they say there is nothing like a stroke of luck. If the odds are against you and no way out can be seen, then luck is what you hope for as the next solution. The goddess hoped that she could help tilt the scales in their favor a bit and that those of her pantheon would forgive her absence. Bun knew that it was slightly cruel to leave them wondering about if she was alive or lost as many others. Just a handful knew she still graced this world with her presence, the single one from her own pantheon being Mercury and that had been a simple coincidence. She had chalked it up to a Roman in need being close enough while needing her luck which instinctively caused a tug to bring her there even if she thought it was of her own desire. It was another reason she drifted from them. Chains and bonds were never something she could manage, at least not in the past. It’s probably why Jupiter had outgrown her when he was younger and why her heart hadn’t broken at their parting. She couldn’t find a reason to want to be held back from doing anything she desired. After all, the world is a stage and a stage is a world of entertainment. If she wanted it, she worked to have it. When she was done, then she moved on. Bun found life to be simple in that way or maybe she just hadn’t found the right challenge. No one to make her want to continue sticking around. Well, maybe that wasn’t entirely true...a few had potential in the drive to make her keep coming back but nothing she could count as solid yet. She was interested to see just how those events would turn out but for now, she only had one event in mind. Tires screeched to a stop at the red carpet and a flood of flashing lights, the smell of burning rubber in her wake as she knew she had left a permanent mark of her existence on the pavement. She opened the door before anyone could step in to assist and stepped out with a toss of hair over her shoulder. She strutted around the hood of her [url=https://images.hgmsites.net/lrg/dodge-srt-viper_100557602_l.jpg]baby[/url], lightly grazing her finger tips over what some might find as obnoxious green but happened to be the best color that was ever created. A valet shuffled quickly to her aid but found himself fumbling to catch keys as Bun tossed them over her shoulder and into the air as she passed by. [COLOR=39b54a]”Thanks sweetie, I’ll be back by later. Oh, and I don’t mind if you have yourself a joy ride. Everyone should live a little, right?”[/color], she said with a wave and a wink before making her way through. It was a blessing in disguise that none of the reporters knew exactly who she was so she didn’t even get stopped on her red carpet arrival. The pictures were plenty and so would the rumors but she could care less about what they thought. If anything, the mortals finding out about her attending a charity event would be beneficial for her image and the company. Her heels clicked against the white floor, the gold fabric of her [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/732239286648307794/755904540292939856/image1.jpg]dress[/url] lightly dragging as she made her way inside and took in the arrangement and stylistic choices of the party. It was beautiful but nothing to what she could have done with it. It made her almost miss when she would throw wonderful banquets for the gods and use the cornucopia to its fullest potential instead of having to hide it. She snagged the last drink on a tray as it passed by, tossing it back as she made her way to the bar. Another waiter passed by conveniently for her to deposit the empty glass just as she needed it. She scanned the area as she entered, looking for anyone familiar and felt fairly disappointed for a split second before she finally stopped a familiar Celt by the bar. Bun made her way over, slipping up behind them while whispering in his ear, [COLOR=39b54a]”I really hope one of those glasses is for me, Aangy.”[/color] [COLOR=39b54a][center][b]♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧ ♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧ ♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧ ♧⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞⌝⌟⌜⌞♧[/b][/center][/color] [@KZOMBI3]