[center][h2]Guild of Renta-Experts: Info[/h2][/center] [b]General Info:[/b] [hider=G.O.R.E] [b]Name:[/b] The Guild of Renta-Experts [b]Type:[/b] Jack-of-All-Trades Rental Service, Mercenary Contractor, Adventurers' Guild, etc. [b]Region:[/b] All over the place [b]Description:[/b] The G.O.R.E is the titual faction of this story. They're an organization that employs an all female workforce, taking on virtually any job that applicants and employers may submit them - aside form blatantly illegal or ones that're too questionable and/or could be relegated to your local brothel. The guild accepts 'quests' or jobs from clients, who submit a form and an upfront payment at any G.O.R.E Hall, and the Guild then posts this request on their Quest Board, which their members can then browse and pick the jobs they're best suited for. Once a guild member finishes a job, they return to the nearest G.O.R.E Hall and report their success, after which they're paid the appropriate reward (minus a percentage taken by the Guild, of course). The Guild employs two types of workers, the first being the administrative and business-managing types who stay at the guild halls all day and do all the paperwork and such. The other, are the Renta-Experts, who accept quests and job-requests and then set out to solve them. To join the guild you only need to fullfil two conditions, the first is that you're a lady, the second that you're at least 15 years of age. Other then that, there are no criteria! ... Of course, the Guild takes no responsability for Renta-Experts taking on jobs and quest that they're not suited to, and cannot be held responsabie for loss of property, pride and/or life as a result. The Guild has managed to get authorization to operate pretty much everywhere in the world, and has at least one Guild Hall set up in every reasonably sized town, with smaller halls popping up in even small, rural villages. The Guild can accomdate its Renta-Epeerts by preparing carriages or mounts for long travels, supply meals (at a discount price) or provide tips and information about local craftsmen and/or other services in the area that the quest is located. The Guild does however NOT supply free equipment, room and board, free meals or medical benefits. Also, only those employed in management have a steady monthly salary, Renta-Experts only get paid for completing tasks. No worky, no money. Everey Guild Hall has at least one receptionist, a secretary, a treasuer and a Hall Mistress. Larger halls may have additional duplicates of these positions, or extra staff like custodians and couriers/gophers. As a largely zero-hierarchy enterprise, there are no real ranks or authoritorial positions within the guild, apart form the Hall Mistresses, who oversee and manage their respective hall's day-to-day workings. Hall Mistresses are [i]usually[/i] Renta-Experts who've retired from active duty, or have good managekment and leadership abilities, but lack any other real talents. As such, there's really no right or wrong way to interact, but its typically considered good manners to be polite and respectful to those who've worked with the guild longer than yourself. It's also considered bad form to chew out the receptionist when you don't get paid for flunking a mission. The guild's logo is a fully yeellow background, with a black silhouette of a nine-headed hydra standing on top of a black sphere... Which is supposed to represent the world. The idea is that the Guild can reach anywhere, and they can always regrow their 'heads' even if they get cut off. A lot of members have displayed a desire to have a more affable and cute logo... The founder, however, has yet to yield on this topic, because, as she said in her own words; "But it's so cool!". [b]Backstory:[/b] The origin of G.O.R.E is a mystery. The only thing that's for sure is that quite some time ago, the mysterious and engimatic founder decided to create the Guild, for reasons and purposes that only she knows. Most members don't care, as long as they get paid. [b]Important Notes:[/b][/hider] [b]Members:[/b] [hider=Litroot Hall Mistress] [b]Name:[/b] Nimerescha "Nim" Bavaloure [b]Age:[/b] [i]Secret![/i] (But older than all the other girls...) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Witch [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wSWOcEW.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Role:[/b] Hall Mistress [b]Location:[/b] Litroot G.O.R.E Hall [b]Faction:[/b] Litroot-branch of G.O.R.E [b]Disposition:[/b] Eternally Moody [b]Personality:[/b] Nim is a tiny lady, with a big presence. Although her voice, eyes and general experssion exude and air of apathy and complete lack of interest in virtually anything around her, she can somehow still manage to be both commanding and outright frightening when need be. Although typically a solitary person who spends most of her time inside her own office at the Litroot Guild Hall, she does poke her head out once in a while and check up on the girls under her care. As a Hall Mistress, she's vot a very simple protcol and creed; Do as I say and we'll get along. Most sane people follow this simple rule without fail. While she seems to be uncaring and uninvested in most everything, Nim is actually both perceptive, empathic and incredibly intelligent, not to mention wise and capable. Having lived a long life, she sits on a plethora of accumulated knowledge, life-experience and understanding of the world and its people. While some dismiss her as cold and uncaring, this little witch simply chooses to show concern in her own, limited way, and those who cannot pick up her subtlety are free to think what they want, according to Nim herself. She's tough but fair, moody but genuine, reclusive but diligent. She could likely work at a larger, more important guild hall, if she so desired. [b]Background:[/b] Nim originally hails from the outskirt regions of Aulder, having grown up in a small witch-community. She states that her childhood and youth wasn't anything special, and she didn't actually join G.O.R.E until she was a "legal adult", whatever that means for witches and warlocks. According to her, she was nothing special - her family was neither poor nor rich, she didn't go to a prestigeous academy, but she did receive an education. Some rumors say she was a prodigy back in her aventuring days, but Nim assures anyone who hears this that those are baseless rumors and exaggerations. [i]Voice Color Code:[/i] fdc68a[/hider] [hider=Litroot Receptionist] [b]Name:[/b] Karin Mofumofu [b]Age:[/b] 20+ [i](It's a secret)[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Tanuki, Raccoon-Dog Spirit [hider=Appearance:] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5a4a9034-c0eb-4a9c-9bbd-def66d5d46ad.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Role:[/b] Receptionist [b]Location:[/b] Litroot G.O.R.E Hall [b]Faction:[/b] Litroot-branch of G.OR.E [b]Disposition:[/b] Mildly annoyed [b]Personality:[/b] Karin is a mature, calm and patient woman, with a very professional behavior. She's polite and friendly, to both clients and fellow guild-members, as well as respctful and accepting of others' and their personal quirks. However, despite looking very seasoned and put-together, karin is actually a bit of a slob when it comes to organization and efficiency. Often-times, she just shoves paperwork and important items haphazardly into her workspace, having to rummage and search around for them later once they're needed. She's also a bit lazy, having actually requested to be transfered to a remote, out-of-the-way guild hall, so as to not have to do a lot of actual, administrative work. Luckily for her, only her superiors and the hall mistress at Litroot actually know the truth about her, whereas the Renta-Experts at the guild hall have the utmost respect for her (seemingly) composed and hard-working visage. She isn't a saint though, and has been known to both scold and harshly reprimand Renta-Experts who've failed or fudged up their jobs... Mostly because the clients come and complain to [i]her[/i], which means more work for her. She's also a bit touchy about her age, not revealing it to anyone, and being somewhat defensive when it comes to the topic of getting a man or getting married or starting a family... She's also terrible at holding her liquor and gets drunk very easily... And gets quite mouthy when drunk. Still, she does put effort into her appearance and manners when on the job. [b]Background:[/b] Karin hails from the far east originally, belonging to a house of wealthy merchants. She received education in both domestic and foreign languages, economics and was groomed to be a prim and proper lady. The reasons why she left her home and travelled so far are currently unknown. [i]Voice Color Code:[/i] 00a99d[/hider]