[hr][color=007236][sup][h1] [center][img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/nL1QVZLFKWxu5CI_Fw2tyJMN85o=/329x0:3137x1872/1200x800/filters:focal(329x0:3137x1872)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/51360465/usa-today-8159418.0.jpg [/img][/center] [b][center][color=007236]Cu Chulainn[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=007236][I] Ball [/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=007236][b]Hero of Ireland[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] Connor listened to the purr of the engine as he spread through the streets of Seattle towards the ball that he had so kindly been invited to. Though if he was being honest he had no idea why he got invited in the first place. He wasn't some important figure in the mortal world if he was being honest with himself, just a simple detective and an MMA coach, nothing that would really spark the interest of the "elites" But hey a party was a party, and seeing the gods at each other's throat would always be worth having to were this stupid suit. At the thought, Conor pulled slightly at his own tie trying to give his throat some space allowing himself to breathe. He had to admit that he looked good in a suit but that didn't change the fact that he was never a fan. He did wonder what gods would be in attendance tonight. He figured the Greeks and the Romans would be there in full force up to their usual nonsense. He knew his cousin was supposed to meet him there but that was as far as he knew about his pantheon. Now that he thought about it he wondered if his new partner was supposed to be there. His mind was pulled to the greek goddess known to the mortals as Agent Steele. [color=007236][i]"Well, what a better place to make a first impression than at a ball full of ego and alcohol,"[/i][/color] he thought happily to himself as he pulled to the front of the venue. As he stepped through the threshold of the ballroom Conor held a mischievous grin on his face as his eyes scanned the room. The room was painfully white, which was a poor choice considering the list of guests that would be attending. As his eyes continued to roam the room his eyes settled on the bar off to the corner with none other than his very own cousin already starting off any good celebration right. Slowly making his way over to the bar he made sure to sidestep the various waiters and individuals already lost in their own stories and drinks to notice the Irishmen. As he reached the bar he threw an arm around his cousin pulling into a side hug as he laughed a bit. [color=007236]“Aye there you are.”[/color] Letting go of the man Connor took his seat next to him getting the bartender's attention for a drink. [color=007236]“So what's the plan col ceathrar?”[/color] He said with a devilish grin on his face as he brought the drink to his lips for the first of what was probably going to be many a drink for the night.