Keratia as a whole? No, but some countries celebrate something thematically similar. In the Valerie Circle in honor Greenford during the events of the Twin Suns they celebrate Saint Kharnor's Day, which has the towns folk dress up as various types of undead while decorating their homes with symbols of claymores, detailed magic runes, and bagpipes, while the children dress up as various adventuring archetypes as they "defend" the town from the undead and receive "loot" in the form of sweets and other gifts for children. The Kingdom of Bray celebrate a different sort of holiday called the Wolf Harvest, which is more of a harvest festival with a wolf theme. As the Kingdom of Bray had a werewolf problem for a long time, children would dress up as wolves and try to "steal" treats and snacks left out for them, while other children (Typically ones who have to stay home) would try to defend their homes from these wolves in a game that's basically tag. It can get pretty competitive to the point that it's not unusual for young adults to play. Both the Trasis Republic and Doros share a sea based Holiday called Howling Night where mostly adults sail to the ocean with no form of illumination and dive into the ocean during a certain time of the year. They do this due to a rare breed of shellfish that would be reaching maturity at this year. These shellfish reach their full maturity when exposed to light (typically sunlight), but if harvested right before this moment they would have very delicious meat that sell for a very good price. Their shells also make for unique instruments, hence why it's called the Howling Night, as the sea breeze alone can cause these shells to emanate a rather haunting melody that can scare more weak willed sailors.