[img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11115/111151927/5872089-7844188935-Ultim.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][u][b]Templar[/b][/u][/color] William Akinson’s mind was filled with the thought of how he would ruin the world of the undesirables. Standing on top of a rooftop watching the people below him; wearing his heavy suit of armor. The armor was like a second skin to him; however he could not wear his armor when he would be making deals with art collectors. Moving down the fire escape and towards the street; he had heard of a major drug deal going down. Every day while driving to work he can see the junkies, whores and drug dealers polluting the streets. Moving as quickly as he could pass the civilians; not caring that they were staring at him. He was there to protect every civilian from the from the filth that filled the streets; and bringing everyone to hell with them. Nevertheless he did his job for the betterment of mankind; at some point he stood in front of an abandoned apartment building. He could smell the filth and desperation from being outside of the building. Once inside he made his way passed the drug addicts and whores; stopping himself from murdering them since they were in a way innocent. Making his way further inside of the building he pulled out his sword; the sword was a medieval broadsword. The sword soon becoming engulfed in flames; lighting up his way inside of the dark building. As he made his way further inside of the building he noticed some thugs patrolling the area. They would be easy to kill since their bullets could not pierce his armor. Easily being noticed by the thugs who seemed to laugh off his attire and commanding that William left; the knight's response was to cut off their heads. The knight walked down the hallway keeping his sword close to him. Soon the building was filled with gunfire, screams and grunts of pain. William was covered in blood having murdered most of the drug dealers; he moved towards the drugs lighting it on fire so that no one would be able to use it; taking his leave though the fire escape and moving though the alleyways. ------------------------------ [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/0/0f/RagDollTheBatman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100110173523[/img] [color=0072bc][u][i]Verdrehte[/i][/u][/color] The young thief was quite excited tonight; he had planned out an exciting heist. Tonight he was going to steal a very expensive eleventh century painting; The painting was of some medieval knight that was said to be painted moments before his death. The painting itself would fetch quite a high price on the black market. The villain was waiting at the back of the art museum; waiting for the guard to leave her routine to a noise he made. Moving closer towards the guard and knocking him out and hiding his body inside of a trash bin. Making his way inside he observed all of the guard’s routes; he was surprised how lazy the English was. Back in Japan he would have to deal with the camera’s and the drones that would be flying around. There was camera’s to deal with in this country; however the guard’s were much more easier to deal with. Verdrehte sulked around the building using his powers to move though vents to the security room; disabling the camera and security for the art. Making his way towards the main target; once again using his powers to keep himself close towards the floor. Standing up and gently removing the painting from it’s frame; the sudden sound of an alarm going off filled the room. It seemed he had forgotten to disable the silent alarm; more then likely their will be heroes coming over to try to stop him.