So a few questions about the setting, regardless of whether or not I get accepted: [list] [*]What's the general technology level? What's the level of available consumer electronics? Are cellphone/smartphone equivalents commonplace, or are they expensive enough to be property of the rich only? What's the status on the global information network, and is it connected by cable or satellite? If by cable, are those being attacked by Nox, or are they generally ignored? [*]What's the global population level at this point? Sure, the world's population has dwindled greatly since the attack of the First Void a hundred years ago, but how many humans are around now? Several hundred million? A billion? Also, what year was it when the First Void Incident happened, or has the old world calendar been lost too? [*]Where is the official capital of the Imperium? I mean, we know the DuoDecim rule the remaining 23 Sanctum Cities, but there seems to be none for the Imperium to rule from. Or will you reveal it once we get to the game? [/list]