[center][color=violet][h1]~ NEITH ~[/h1][/color] Tag: [@Blizz][@Eviledd1984][@Jerkchicken][/center][hr] Neith rubbed her bum and shrugged. [color=violet]"Eh, could've been better. It's not my first time being turned down by a man though he was just as rude as the rest of 'em. I do have to say, he was kind of hot..."[/color] She said, wondering aloud before shaking her head. She took a seat beside them and ordered something to eat. If they were going to a haunted forest with minimal chances of escape, she might as well do it with her tummy full of warm food. The waitress put down a plate full of hot steaming, freshly cooked food and Neith was about to take a bite when Micah stood up and stared off outside. [color=violet]"Micah? What are you...?[/color] Before she could finish her question, he just went out of the inn without telling them why. The dark elf groaned in annoyance. [color=violet]"Oh come on, I barely got a bite from my food! Ugh, give me a break..."[/color] Neith grumbled in annoyance before starting to eat her breakfast. She was curious though and she would glance out of the windows while chewing her food to see where Micah ran off too. It seemed like he was approaching a mysterious person with blonde hair and a cotton shirt with long, flowing sleeves. It even looked like said person was carrying a book but they were too far for Neith to get a good look at it. She did keep her bow next to her so she could go out fully prepared to defend Micah, just in case things go south.