[center][h2][color=ec008c]Astrad Lungren[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TZtQTA4.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] Location: New York Sanctum [hr][/center] As soon as Mephisto had been neutralized by the Master of the Mystic Arts, Astrad deactivated his cryokinetic abilities, as the time of danger had passed. Now, there was nothing left for him to do but to sit down and listen to the ongoing conversation between Theresa Sparks and Dr. Strange. Apparently, she was looking for her missing husband, and she had struck a deal with the great sorcerer to help achieve this end. However, it seemed that recent events had prevented her from following up on that contract, and now, she was back here, probably now that everything else had been sorted. Now that he was just sitting on one of the fancy woodwork chairs that Strange had in no small amount within the Sanctum, Astrad pulled out his phone and sent a text to his superiors that he was alive and well, though the mission to seek for the Apex Twins was botched now that the entire town was apparently infested with HYDRA members unto its very core. He had survived, though with a small amount of help, no less. Looking around the spacious building, Astrad waited. Ah, hell. Sitwell must be so livid right now.