[b][center]Lucilia Riovas[/b][/center] Lucilia gave a look at the old paper. It was very old; at least ten years old. This was back at the time were Uicle was still amassing his golems and Tyrael went off somewhere with his demons, leaving the security of the college to various mercs. The issue at that time however was that they were mercs who sold themselves individually; they came at a high price, and often very haughty. They caused more problems than any troublemakers that came around. Luckily after firing them she found herself a reliable mercenary company and hired their services. They've been quite reliable thus far, at least at keeping peace and order within the college. Rarely during her time has the college ever had to worry getting besieged, the worse happening being an organized thief gang trying to break in and steal properties of the college. The teachers handled them easy enough however. And so Lucilia debated whether or not to hire this man. She didn't know his price, his abilities, or even his name. He seemed awfully tactless, which may be appealing if he wanted to be a loose-cannon mercenary, but as a guardsman he needed discipline, and to know his place. Still... [b]"That's rather presumptuous of you, isn't it? We of the college try not to scare our students into thinking that we are keeping them locked inside, nor do we want other nations to think that we're building an army. So we position our guards to remain ready for any disturbance, without the others knowledge of their presence. Or to put it simply, we are always watching you, even if you cannot see us. Give them a sense of privacy while maintaining maximum security."[/b] Some of what Lucilia said was a lie or at least a half-truth. What was had to be found out. Lucilia looked over the paper and again and wondered how she should go about rejecting or hiring this man, and once she had an idea formulated she crossed her hands and looked at him. [b]"Now than, I understand that you might be interested in a position as a guardsman of the college. Regardless of your own opinions of our current security force, there is very little I know about you. I do not know of your ability, your history, or even your name. We also must make sure that, should the need arise, the guardsmen can properly coordinate and work together to ensure their safety as well as the safety of the college inhabitants. Many of them have already trained and worked together and proven themselves to the college. You have not. Not yet at least.."[/b] Lucilia reached into her desk and took out some paper, an ink well, and a feather pen. She laid the paper out in front of the man, and upon closer examination, one could tell that the paper was a waiver. Soon she began to add more documents. [b]"If you're still interested, there is some paper work that needs filling out. First we'd need to get your name, age, and place of birth. We would also like to know more about your past jobs and occupations. If you can, write down a list of people who you may know and their relationship to you. Skills, education level, as well as any particular knack or quirk should also be documented. I also require you to write down whatever criminal action you have have committed in the pasts. Be honest with that; if we find out that you are keeping secrets, we will fire you without pay, and we may imprison you ourselves. This waiver also details some of the more legal aspects of being a guardsman, as well as certain duties and obligations you will follow as a guardsman of the college. You'll also need to sign here and go see our healers to ensure that your body does not harbor any particular disease of illness that may affect our students. And of course, before you are properly initiated into the guardsmen you will have to go through their basic training and gain the approval of the captain of the guard, at least three teachers, and five students."[/b] All this and more was written out on all the documents, soon turning into a small pile of at least fifty sheets of paper, with small text. Hand written. Lucilia smiled at the stranger, crossing her hand over each other as she watched his reaction. The paper work was one way to filter out the ruffians who simply want to take the job as an excuse to have the college protection, though he still needed to fill them all out and follow through with all the conditions. [b]"Is there any more questions you have? You do not need to fill all this out today, and you are free to stay in the college's guests lodgings if you need a place to stay, but I would have to ask you to not disturb the students or staff for any reason until you have filled out all the required paper work."[/b] [b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/b][/center] Annabeth was ecstatic that the eysire would help her. This would allow her day to move on a bit faster. [b]"Thank you very much!"[/b] So Annabeth and the eysire went off, with the human girl following the hulking draconian. [b]"My name is Annabeth, by the way. Annabeth Gulch. Are you a student here?"[/b] It seemed somewhat likely, as he wasn't wearing the uniform most of the guards did, that and she has yet to see an eysire among their ranks. But she has only been here for a day, so what would she know? Momentarily, she wondered if she should apply for the guards. She decided against it. If Annabeth really did have mage blood, she'd need to focus her time on her education rather than guard duty. Still... Since she wasn't working at the inn any more, she'd need to find some way to get money. She would at least try to find some sort of job she could take, once she gets her whole mage blood thing settled.