[indent] [hider=Agent Dossier: Clayton Harris] [quote] [color=red][center][h3][b]!!WARNING!! BY ACCESSING THIS RECORD, YOU ARE HEREBY AFFIRMING POSSESSION OF A SECURITY CLEARANCE OF LEVEL 5 OR HIGHER. FAILURE TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF SUCH UPON FURTHER INQUIRY WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE TERMINATION. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK.[/b][/h3][/center][/color] [hr][center] [b][sub]Checking Clearance Level...[/sub][/b] [i][sub]Clearance Level Approved.[/sub][/i] [i][sub]Accessing File...[/sub][/i][/center][hr] [color=#42657C] [b]Subject Name:[/b] Clayton Harris. [b]Biological Status:[/b] Paranormal | Male. [b]Age Index:[/b] 36. [b]Appearance Index:[/b] Subject is 5'10, with short brown hair, green eyes, and a muscular build. Subject also has major scarring across their face, most likely due to their past encounter with one of the Eternal. [b]Personality Index:[/b] Subject is somewhat twitchy, with nocturnal observations revealing they suffer from severe nightmares. Something indicative of post-traumatic stress disorder, or some other trauma related illness. Recommend bi-weekly psychiatric evaluations/therapy sessions, as well as careful in-field monitoring. [b][u]Equipment/Mod Index[/u][/b] [indent] [b]Cybermod[/b] - [I]Communications suite.[/I] Standard issue heads-up-display, and neural computer all in one cranial implant. Can be remote detonated via a built in cortex bomb to prevent tampering, agent capture, and reverse engineering of Vigil property. [b]Cybermod[/b] - [I]Toxin filter.[/I] A specially designed filter for combating the effects of vampiric pheromones, in addition to preventing the inhalation of aerial poisons and viral agents. [b]Cybermod[/b] - [I]Blood filter.[/I] The implant used by all members of Vigil to prevent the control of mortal agents through vampiric blood. [b]Cybermod[/b] - [I]Oculus.[/I] An implant allowing for low-light and ultra-sound modes of vision, the latter being thought to be more effective than thermographics when dealing with vampires, who tend to run cold if they haven't fed lately. [b]Equipment[/b] - [I]Predator Coat/Mimetic Camouflage.[/I] Though this is designed to look more like a trench coat -- no doubt some project engineer with a penchant for the dramatic, or an interest in fashion design. The coat is actually stylish, which serves a dual purpose as vampires tend to dress stylishly and surround themselves with the stylishly dressed. This allows Vigil agents one more edge. Of course, they call it the Predator Coat. Because the engineers are geeks. [I][sub](This is a standard issue Vigil item)[/sub][/I] [b]Equipment[/b] - [I]M.A.R./Modular Assault Rifle.[/I] Bullpup, caseless ammunition, synched with existing implants and capable of mounting a variety of accessories including a 25mm grenade launcher whose munitions range from conventional high explosive to nano-guided scattered mines. It also syncs with HUD implants for improved accuracy in a mechanism similar to a blue-tooth link. The trigger is electric and the weapon includes a biometric security system; anyone but someone authorized to handle it and it will blow; that is a standard feature on most any weapon the Vigil has in service with its teams. Clayton uses it most frequently in mid to close quarters combat, confined spaces, or any situation in which his sniper rifle will not do. [I][sub](This is a standard issue Vigil item)[/sub][/I] [b]Equipment[/b] - [I]Deck kit.[/I] A number of electronic accessories, including a PDA tablet and other items to assist in making physical connection with computer equipment. [I][sub](This is a standard issue Vigil item)[/sub][/I] [b]Equipment[/b] - [I]4x WP's/White Phosphorous Grenades.[/I] Self-explanatory, but for the sake of the uninitiated, the contents of these grenades react with air upon release to create a blanket of phosphorus pentoxide vapor, allowing for the creation of localized pockets of cover through which agents may move. [b]Equipment[/b] - [I]Sofia.[/I] Clayton's custom built sniper rifle, whom he refers to as "Sofia", appears to be a more advanced version of a Barrett Model 98B, and is equipped with the same upgrades as those found in his M.A.R.--[I]minus the grenades and grenade launcher of course[/I]--such as biometric security systems keyed to his DNA, caseless ammunition, etc. [/indent] [b]Paranormal Talent Index:[/b] [I][url=https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Flash_Precognition]Flash Precognition[/url][/I] - Subject was born with the ability to see up to five minutes into the immediate future. While useless for planning out long term conflicts, this power has shown itself to be extremely valuable in short term skirmishes against human targets, as demonstrated during the subjects service as a sniper in the military. As such, it is my recommendation the subject in question be placed in a long range support role on one of our cybernetically enhanced kill teams as soon as possible. [b]Biographical Index:[/b] [I][REDACTED][/I] [/color] [/quote] [/hider] [/indent]