[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]The Beach House.[/code][/b][/center][hr] [quote=Mariah][color=#F3128D]"Whoever dyin' should have it unless they dyin' of cancer-- unless the curse is the cancer. Whateva',"[/color][/quote] Of course, Mariah was on her own god damn planet as usual... but Madison couldn't help but agree. Not out of spite for Vashti - if anything Madison would be doing anything in her power to get rid of her - but because there were lives on the line here. Lyss put it up to a vote and Madison was going to place her two cents. "I think Emily and Herik should get the potions," Madison voted. She knew how it felt to lose somebody and didn't want that to happen to [i]anyone[/i]. Not even someone like Herik. Thank the lord Vashti was seeing reason and not being overdramatic! Maybe Vashti saw this as a betrayal of some kind but Emily saw this as... well, doing what she needed to get done. Honestly, Vashti wasn't dying as far as she could tell - but Vashti didn't tell them much of anything so that's [i]really[/i] on her. Emily just kept smiling as everyone pretty much agreed that she and Herik should be the ones to get the cure. Speaking of which, Herik seemed pretty appreciative to finally get the cure for his mother. Emily was so happy to finally get her cure that she couldn't hold it anymore and finally cried. "Thank you, everyone!" Emily started, "I know I was a real bitch sometimes but thank you. You don't know what seeing my sister like that did to me." Emily started walking over towards Lyss as Madison narrowed her eyes. "Not that's settled, how are [i]we[/i] going to deal with Annabelle?" Madison asked, not that she was thrilled to be thrown into another conflict - but she wanted to avenge Izzy if nothing else. "Because I feel like that's something we should talk about, girl." Emily on the other hand didn't give a shit, she was going to give her sister this cure ASAP and then worry about the rest. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/TcTq4jK.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TqpHQos.png[/img] [b][code]The DENS Base.[/code][/b][hr][/center] After the incident with Vashti in the beach house, Kimberly and Rowan [i]willingly[/i] went with the DENS to their little headquarters in Tampa. After all, Kimberly knew that she was innocent and that she was willing to help sort this out. What she didn't know was that the Dollhouse told the Coven... some things. She honestly didn't know what they lied to those girls about, but Kimberly knew that they, most likely, believed it. Especially since she was stuck here in a jail cell for the last few weeks... she was just sitting on the bench, kicking her feet back and forth. Thinking about how badly it went for her, it was just the simplest thing. It wasn't [i]that[/i] bad, they gave her a change of clothes, put Rowan across from her, and sometimes they got her Chick-Fil-A! Other than that, no contact with the outside world. So she was doing a whole lot of staring at the floor. "Rowan," Kimberly spoke out to Rowan as she stopped. "Do you think we did the right thing?" Rowan was quiet for a second as she was lounging on his bed, throwing a ball up and down out of boredom. However, he caught it one last time before he said, "Let me ask you," He began, "Do [i]you[/i] think you did the right thing?" Kimberly paused for a moment as she replied, "... I don't know anymore, Rowan." However, they heard a group of footsteps walking up and Kimberly quickly shut herself up as she saw the DENS walking up... it was Cindy, Meifeng, Maximilian, and Leon. Which was strange because normally it was just Trevor or Helena stopping by to give them some food. Meifeng in particular was carrying a fold-up chair underneath her shoulder which she unfurled and placed on the ground. She sat on it and crossed one leg over the other as she stared at Kimberly, completely wordlessly (and awkwardly). "... Hi," Kimberly said with an awkward wave. "... You have a lot to answer for, Ms. Walton," Meifeng said. "I think by now you should have an idea of what I am talking about..." Kimberly loudly gulped as she watched the glowing red eyes appear around Leon... all staring at her as Meifeng continued. "Because I just got off the phone with Director Alcott... and we have full permission to put you away and throw away the key." "Well, what do you want?" Kimberly asked. "I want to know the truth, I know you screamed and hollered over and over again about what happened, but I get the feeling that it's not entirely truthful," Meifeng began as she gently placed her hands on her lap and then looked up at Maximilian. "Not only that, but we did some digging and... what do you know? That little Dollhouse lady appeared in one of your videos." Kimberly gulped as she looked over at Rowan. "So, start talking, even if you do deny it, we still can get you for your black market dealings." "I... fine," Kimberly sighed as she looked down at her feet. "Okay, first I bought cures from them with money to help people. I thought that they were cool but eventually, they started pressuring me for a body, charging more and more. Until they said that they wouldn't accept anything less for one of their cures. I thought it was fucked up but they were my only source for [i]relieable[/i] cures. Then there was her... a girl I met that was suffering from a curse that was [i]killing[/i] her." Kimberly pleaded yet again. "I looked [i]everywhere[/i] to try to find a way to help her, but nothing I tried worked. She was on her death bed and... I couldn't let it live on my conscience to let her die like that. So, one Apparition abscised that girl and I couldn't find her soul... I just gave in. I gave them the body and she got her cure... and she thanked me so much but I felt so... [i]dirty[/i] for doing that." Tears started streaming down her eyes as she said. "I tried to get the body back to her family at the least, but they wouldn't let me! So, I just tried to do it the hard way but that dumbass Johnny only wanted to take over the Dollhouse! He tried to use me and when that didn't work, he ratted me out. Then that was when Annabelle's rampage began and I... blew it." "You really jumped down that slippery slope," Meifeng commented with a roll of her eyes. "You do know that we can arrest you right now for a long, long, time, [i]regardless[/i] of intentions." "... I know," Kimberly wiped the tears from her eyes. She got up off the chair as she looked at the DENS agents and the eyes that were floating around Leon disappeared. "Let's have a quick word." They walked out of earshot as Meifeng quickly turned on her heel and faced Leon. "... What did you get out of her?" "It's what I said before..." Leon said. "... She was telling the truth." "Hmph," Meifeng said. "We should have known better than to trust Johnny at face value." Maximilian sighed as he crossed his arms. "While I think she ultimately had good intentions... the road to hell is paved with good intentions." "Well," Cindy turned to Meifeng before she asked, "What do you suggest we do with her?" "Hmmm... While this action is absolutely incorrigible," Meifeng started, "They're might be helpful... well, more helpful than the Coven would ever be." "I bet if she just sent us to get the potion this would have gone way smoother," Cindy sighed, "But, I digress, shit happens sometimes." "We should let her loose..." Meifeng said, "... We're keeping her on a very tight leash, however." "Fine with me," Cindy said. "Director Alcott doesn't really care a whole lot about what she did in the past - long as she helps to stop Annabelle." Meifeng nodded her head as she walked down the hallway back towards Kimberly. She pulled out her keys as she said, "Okay, we've decided that we will release you because you contribute towards taking Annabelle down... and you will be brought before Director Alcott and she will decide your fate, Ms. Walton." "Fine," Kimberly said with a sigh. "At least we can-" The door at the end of the hallway was launched open as Trevor came running through the doors and once he saw Meifeng he shouted. [h2]"We gotta [i][b]huge FUCKIN' PROBLEM![/b][/i]"[/h2] "Oh dear God, what is it today?" Meifeng hissed. "Annabelle... she's out in Port Richey going on a rampage!" "Fuck!" Meifeng hissed. "Wait, let me out!" Kimberly shouted. "I can get you all there in minutes." Meifeng looked at Kimberly as she sighed. "Are you sure?" "Yes, I just need a picture of Port Richey," Kimberly said. "It can be on your phone." "You all go ahead," Meifeng said as she turned towards Trevor. "Trevor, with me! I'm going to get the Coven sisters!" "Yeah, got it!" Meifeng pulled out her phone and immediately dialed Lyss' number as Kimberly teleported them to New Port Richey... about thirty minutes away from Tampa. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/Yul3Qmq.png[/img] [b][code]New Port Richey.[/code][/b][hr][/center] The cloaked figure went from yard to yard wearing the all-black hood with the deer skull... freshly skinned of all meat. Annabelle Heart launched in one person's yard as a pitbull immediately charged her and quickly met its end with one swipe of her claws. Almost immediately an older gentleman came out with a shotgun and shouted, "What did you do to bear!?" He pulled the trigger as Annabelle tanked the shot and charged him and rammed her claws into his skull. She yanked her claws out as she stepped over his body and walked through his house and kicked the door down. People came out to investigate... and Annabelle let out a bestial roar as she grabbed his aging muscle car and threw it into another house. That was when she went on her rampage... Watching the rampage from the top of a house was none other than the Messiah. They had their hands together as they smiled from underneath the robe. "It's all coming together..." The Messiah disappeared in a mess of sparks and embers... [hr] "... Hello there, Annabelle," Annabelle was resting on the ground when she suddenly heard the voice... his voice. Her blood boiled as she immediately hopped up to her feet and faced him... Saul. Standing right before her and she smiled, "You! You bastard!" Annabelle shouted as she blindly charged him with her claws stretched out and rammed through the building. When the dust settled, Saul was not skewered on her claws, but instead, he had got inside of a car and was speeding off. "Oh, no!" Annabelle shouted, "You're not getting away from me, Saul!" Annabelle immediately ran off after Saul... as the Messiah slid from behind a tree with their hand up and fingered positioned as they were playing with a puppet on a string... ... Which wasn't all that wrong.