[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/yjyl2W8THDpaGLnPFFswROcp2AyGK9DqGLbw3Nayr_A/https/see.fontimg.com/api/renderfont4/g105/eyJyIjoiZnMiLCJoIjo4MSwidyI6MTI1MCwiZnMiOjY1LCJmZ2MiOiIjQjY4QzI1IiwiYmdjIjoiI0ZGRkZGRiIsInQiOjF9/UXVha2U/blow-me-personal-use-regular.png[/img][/center] Jamie turned around and smiled at Rumi, relieved. He looked okay… if a lot more robot-y than usual. If he was okay- and he was talking like he was okay- the others were probably okay too. [color=Goldenrod]“Hey, Rumi! I’m coming, don’t worry.”[/color] She noticed Joseph try to say something and get cut off, but figured he was talking to himself (as usual) and decided just to ignore it. He was so weird sometimes… She stepped through the portal after Joseph and Alien Angel, and came out onto the 14th floor along with them. Yet happy to see all her friends were okay, Jamie was immediately confused by Grace’s statement. Who was a [i]criminal[/i] here? Was it her, after breaking Admiral’s face? No, that was stupid- Grace hadn’t even seen that. [color=Goldenrod] “We’re not working with any criminals, Grace!”[/color] said Jamie, before noting that she had [i]she[/i] and turned to Alien Angel. Her mouth widened, and she raised her brow. [color=Goldenrod] “Angela isn’t- oh. Actually, she is. But- but- she’s a [i]good[/i] criminal. I think.”[/color] Jamie then elected to shut up and not say anything else, lest she embarrass herself. The rest of Grace’s speech was [i]boring[/i]. Jamie stopped listening after Grace said something about where Seraph was hiding out. An island? There weren’t any islands around here, though. Jamie’s next thoughts were about Hawaii, strangely enough. She and her family had vacationed there once, and it had been pretty cool! She knew Seraph’s island was nowhere near Hawaii, but still, Hawaii was a cool island. A prison island wouldn’t be as cool as Hawaii though. Jamie tuned into the talking again just as Grace seemed to be finishing, planning to interject and say something very dumb, before smoke began to pour in the room. Familiar with debris dust, a startled Jamie immediately put her arm over her mouth, trying not to breathe it in. She glanced around at everyone else, ensuring they were still fine. What had just happened?! Had someone attacked? Jamie was about to send out a shockwave to knock over anyone else in the building when she noticed a suspicious red dot on her arm. Then another. Then another. And they were moving- [i]oh no there were snipers trained on her[/i]. She glanced up to see an entire squad of what looked like Division X soldiers. What were they doing here? Trembling like a lead, Jamie put up her hands- then realized that would be the opposite of reassuring with her power, so she put them behind her head instead. Whatever would convince them to not shoot her. [color=Goldenrod]“We’re on your side, dickheads,”[/color] Jamie muttered under her breath, glaring at the masked-up squad. Another figure came walking out of the smoke, and a faint recognition tickled at the back of Jamie’s brain. Blonde, tall, cool-looking… was it Sama- no, she was dead, that was right. That meant it must’ve been Cora. This didn’t put her entirely at ease, though. Cora was with Division X now, and those were the people aiming guns at them. But she waved them off, and Jamie relaxed slightly, putting her hands down once she saw guns weren’t pointed at her anymore. She exhaled, relieved, and smiled right back at Cora, although warily. If she was expecting anything, Jamie was [i]not[/i] expecting a hug. [color=Goldenrod] “Cora… hi! It has… been a long time… ow ow ow please let go-”[/color] She had to draw in a breath after Cora did let her go. Jeez, that woman hugged tight. She didn’t [i]remember[/i] her hugging that tight, but apparently she did. Jamie listened to the rest of Cora’s talk, nodding along. She smiled big when Cora said Powers was okay. Yay! Everyone was alright. [color=Goldenrod]“Ooh, my suit! Yes please.”[/color] Not usually without her suit, Jamie was certainly feeling the strain on her body a bit more than she usually would’ve been. It wasn’t [i]bad[/i], but she certainly didn’t want it to be. She gestured for her suit from the Division X agents, and, upon getting it, made a beeline for the bathroom to change. Once she had done so, she left the bathroom and headed for the roof, towards wherever the Minijets were. [center][@Rabidporcupine][@Scarifar][@DarkRecon][@Hitman][@Duoya][@Jumbus][/center]