[quote=@Maglar] [hider=Sarah] [center][hider=Kensu's Island][img]https://i.imgur.com/YZjY0Ho.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] >.......initiating system boot >.............. >.......Harbinger activated >.............. >....... Awaken the Oracles >.............. [img]https://i.imgur.com/B26lZYp.jpg?1[/img] "Sa.... Sarah wake up...." a musical, sing song voice whispered gently in Sarah's ear. The Oracle began to rouse as the pod hissed and cold air blew out from vents. "Sarah you must wake up, there is little time." Sarah opened her eyes. She could see the little fairy like creature flutter in and out of existence in her peripheral vision. "Good... good... I am Asra. I don't have much time, but I will return when I can. You are safe, and all your questions will be answered, in time. For now seek the one called Kensu, he lives on this island and will gu..." The fairy blinked out of existence, leaving Sarah in a state of mystery. [hider= YOUR NEXT STEPS] You've awoken alone in your pod in a cave. To the south of the cave is a small fishing village. The village is quiet and peaceful, there are birds but you don't see any people. Take stock of your situation and explore the village using the picture posted above as reference. Look for Kensu, he's somewhere on the island. [/HIDER][/hider][/quote] [indent][color=ed145b][i]She was dreaming again... In the eternal slumber that enveloped her, she felt a familiar tingle of the vague hint of consciousness, one that would visit her from time to time in her long rest. It was a welcome change from the endless numbness, though the numbness had long since become a sort of odd, comfortable presence, enveloping her, as though protecting her from anything unfamiliar or unpleasant. She didn't know how long she'd been here, alone in this quiet, smothering solitude, with only glimpses of something in her own mind to keep her company from time to time. It didn't help that whenever these brief dreams again, however briefly, she'd feel her mind too heavy and lethargic, as thought the numbness itself had claimed her for its own. Any attempt to reach out and grab a flittering vision were as clumsy and slow as a... As what...? It was on the tip of her tongue. That always was the case in her long hibernation. Weighed down by an unending lethargy, all she could do was see dreams of things unknown, things unexplained flitter before her, briefly illuminating the unyielding darkness of her mind, a prisoner in a cave contemplating a brief sight of light and wonder before her world is plunged once more into lethargy and darkness. The darkness, so comforting and blanket, was also so frustrating. It felt as though it was a presence trying to both protect and smother her, keeping her covered, but leaving her unable to breathe openly. It was a heavy blanket over her senses, an overwhelming sluggishness overpowering her mind. She was simply too sleepy and tired to fight it, so she just let it wash over her, welcoming whatever brief flashess of dreams she could enjoy. However, this time, it seemed to be... different. The 'dream' became sharper, more defined than the vague glimpses of before. Things slowly became more vivid, more focused, and she began seeing things both familiar and unfamiliar. She realized she could understand more, even though she's sure she's never seen these things before. Some things were glimpses of dreams gone by, only now she could comprehend them better. Others, though, were strange and unfamiliar, ranging from the uncertain to the frightening. Visions of things to come? Or had something unpleasant woken up in her? She also realized her mind was slipping out of the endless darkness shrouding her being. Slowly but surely, she was becoming more and more aware of herself, of her existence. No longer a sleeper with brief glimpses of consciousness, but a waking person. She could think more clearly, though much of her mind was still lethargic, unused to the sudden freedom. It was tiring work, trying to call forth more and more mental energies, but the more she tried, the less difficult it became, and the more strength she felt she could call upon. She also became acutely aware of the numbness receding, being slowly replaced by a biting cold. She feels herself tremble; not mentally, but physically! Actual physical sensation! It was... strange and utterly new, and yet so familiar and comforting she held on to it. An anchor in the endless darkness, a certainty in a world of endless sleep. However, the sensations soon proved treacherous; her body is cold and shivering all over, and the light grows sharper, more piercing, utterly alien in a world once ruled by a dull blackness. She felt herself shift and shiver, dull echoes in her ears, as the sensations seemed to pull her from the comfortable womb she'd known all her life and pulling her upwards towards... something. The sensations quickly overwhelmed her, and she found herself being forcibly awaken, consciousness crashing into her with great force... she felt herself being pulled up towards a bright, shimmering surface, like a pool... Then she realizes... ...she is no longer dreaming...[/i][/color][/indent] The first thing she is aware of is a voice in her ear, calling her name. It takes a struggle to open her eyes, and she can feel the sting of light hurt them, unused as they are to it. Yet when she finally manages, she turns to look at the source of the voice - a small, fairy-like being that glowed like a lamp. At first, its presence hurt her eyes and ears, still fresh from an age in cryostasis, but she quickly adapts, and hangs on to every word, her first input in heaven knows how long. However, before she can ask the fairy anything, it fizzles out and disappears, leaving her alone once more. Sarah slowly starts getting up out of her pod, shivering at the sensation of cold, muscles and joints feeling odd after so long in hibernation. Slowly, surely, she manages to get up, puts a foot out of the chamber, and nearly slips and falls, only to catch herself by grabbing a railing in time. Breathing heavily, unused to the physical effort, she takes a moment to gather her strength, and takes her first steps. At first, they're halting and unsure, with a couple missteps almost sending her sprawling on the ground, but she quickly adjusts, and soon finds herself walking with almost complete confidence. The sensation of shivering is also gone, her body shaking off the long sleep rather quickly, though the stiffness in her joints and body remains. Now that she's free of the pod, where would she go? What should she do? The fairy had called her Sarah. She also said to go find someone called Kensu somewhere on the island. That he is important somehow. Looking around her, she sees nothing but a cool stony cave floor, and the chamber that she had slept in for who knows how long. Was this where she'd been sleeping? And for how long? She shivers at the memory of the cold, now fading. She feels she can get no more answers waiting here, and decides to leave. She walks to the mouth of the cave, and hesitates for only a second, before the warmth of sunlight and the sights and sounds of the outside world draw her out. Then she puts one foot in front of the other, and doesn't look back. The sunlight feels wonderful on her skin, and while she occasionally stumbles or trips with clumsy, stiff legs, the warmth and the exercise quickly ease any discomfort, and Sarah finds the whole experience very enjoyable and exciting, a wide grin forming on her face. She keeps walking, but continues to swivel her head from side to side, gawking and marveling at the world around her, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells with great gusto. In her mind, she knows the general names of most things, but to put sights and sensations to the names was a strong rush, almost making her giddy. She's so engrossed with her walk that before she knows it, she finds herself at the village. She looks around, trying to see if there's anyone there. The village is quiet, rather peaceful. [color=ed145b]"H-"[/color] She stops, feeling as though her throat was full of sandpaper. She coughs and clear her throat. [color=ed145b]"Hello?"[/color] she calls out, trying to see if anyone is there. [color=ed145b]"Is there anyone here?"[/color]