Astrid didn’t have much else to say on the subject. Or any subject that didn’t involve a socket wrench in some capacity. “I say we return the cold shoulder. Then again, there’s a reason I’m not a diplomat.” Astrid huffed, examining the holographic depiction of the alien vessel, the engineer’s eye trying to pick out obvious weaknesses and comparing to what she knew for certain about their ships from the shuttle. “Shall I prioritize examining the weapon damage to the recovered shuttle to better tell what sort of firepower we can expect?” “Either way, at least by our standards, they have very little to go on. Treebeard has requested asylum because he’s being persecuted for his theopolitical beliefs, and under our system, the Prize is considered ISA territory, meaning you can choose to grant him asylum on those grounds and they can go f- pray.” She caught herself, “Now sure, that claim may hold less water than a sieve with them, but it’s not like they went out of their way to explain how their law works, if they even have laws beyond ‘The church says so’.”