[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6HaHX5a.png[/img] [color=tomato]“Mmmm, now that's a nice, soft waffle Emily's got...”[/color] [color=888888]— Oros[/color] [hider=Nerdy GM Shit][b]Age: 60/15 | Gender: Female/Female | Beast, Gravity | Skimpy Katana | Tentacles, Hammerspace | Aighorost Gifted, Elemental, Bestial, Void Touched, Innate Awareness, Awareness, Numb, Mystic artifact Minions, Reasonable, Magical overload, Transport, Gifted Item | Insomnia, Mind bent, Big brother, Clueless, Monstrous form Thick skinned, Second Specialization | Sentinel, Devourer[/b] STR: 04 | AGI: 05 | VIT: 04 | MAG: 04 | LCK: 03 STR: 12 | AGI: 12 | VIT: 11 | MAG: 10 | LCK: 07[/hider][/center] Oros only grinned as Emily caused the air to change temperature and sputter things at a pace even she couldn’t keep up with. [color=tomato]“I didn’t catch all that.”[/color] Oros placed his hands on his hips. [color=tomato]“I’ll just assume you’re a little flustered because you didn’t think I could be this dreamy.”[/color] Oros brushed his hair back. [color=tomato]“Anyway, I just feel like eating something and talking about my day. You can do that right?”[/color] He extended his hand. He was right. Emily was flustered beyond belief, but she knew she had to try to reel herself back in. Oros had not done anything to deserve being treated like some dangerous animal! [color=turquoise]"O-oh, um, I'm so sorry!"[/color] she apologized, casting a hesitant glance at his hand, which she reluctantly took. It was warm, or maybe that was her? [color=turquoise]"I-if it's just that, t-then I think I can manage!"[/color] she told Oros, although she wasn't sure if she was lying or not. Oros’s fingers curled around Emily’s palm one at a time. His thumb brushed against the back of her hand, caressing it with the same tenderness Emily would use with a stray puppy. He exhaled, and the edges of Oros’s lips curled into a smile. [color=tomato]“Glad to hear it.”[/color] When they started walking, Oros was practically skipping down the sidewalk. [color=tomato]“Got any ideas for where we can get breakfast at this hour? I’m done with the greasy spoon shit for now, so no trashy diners for us! A truck stop would be the perfect place! Think there’s anything like that open around here?”[/color] Emily held her small shopping bag close to her heart as she walked at a pace only barely slower than Oros’. She had opened her mouth to speak, as she wasn’t sure about truck stops being better than diners, but thought better of it. Instead, she tried to remember the places she had either eaten at or heard about. There weren’t too many of those, as most of the places she would have been familiar with had either shut down because of the evac or simply closed down before she returned earlier. [color=turquoise]“Um, I’m not entirely sure,”[/color] she explained. [color=turquoise]“I don’t usually go out to eat because of my budget…”[/color] Particularly after meeting Sakura, things had become just a bit more stressful on her wallet. It was a godsend that people agreed to bring food to the party that happened earlier. But that didn’t mean she hadn’t heard of places. Yes, with Hilaria occasionally dropping by, it would be impossible not to. [color=turquoise]“Um, it’s not exactly a ‘truck stop’ but I did hear good things about the Pitstop,”[/color] she finally said, recalling the few times Hilaria brought it up. The busty and ravenous magical girl did not actually give it any particular praise, which actually might’ve been a red flag, but the place had the word ‘stop’ in its name so maybe that was good for Oros? Emily wondered if it was going to put her in the red. “It shouldn’t be too far away, if memory serves.” [color=tomato]“No.”[/color] Oros curt reply was followed by her hand tightening around Emily’s. [color=tomato]“I told you, I don’t want to eat at some shitty diner.”[/color] [color=turquoise]“S-sorry…”[/color] she apologized meekly. He had stopped walking at a street corner. There were no cars, but the traffic lights were still working. “WALK” was lit up on the other side, but they had stopped moving. Oros tugged Emily so that they were both looking at each other. [color=tomato]“I haven’t been in Penrose for a while, and you don’t eat out much. Perhaps we should eat you out.”[/color] Emily merely tilted her head as his fingers curled between hers, missing the point. [color=tomato]“… of house and home! Haha! I bet they still serve eggs and toast at your place, right? I like that idea, it’ll be a good deal more private there too. Do we need to go shopping or should I take you straight home?”[/color] He waved his hand across the street, which was now saying “DON’T WALK.” [color=turquoise]“Oh, Hilaria was just over so I think I do need to hit the store…”[/color] she mumbled as she began to recall the mental shopping list she had made. Eggs and milk were at the top of the list as they were almost gone. [color=turquoise]“But nothing is on sale right now, so I was going to wait.”[/color] Emily did not particularly want to bring a boy whom she just met over to her place, but now her thoughts were of the weekly ads for the grocery. Shopping smart kept her afloat, so she couldn’t just go buy eggs all willy nilly. It was irresponsible! [color=turquoise]“Um, perhaps a different sort of breakfast would work? I still have some pancake mix, or cereal...”[/color] she offered alternatives to eggs. Oros lowered his head and thought. [color=tomato]“Can you make… waffles?”[/color] She shook her head and also Oros’ hand. [color=turquoise]“Why yes, I most certainly can!”[/color] [color=tomato]“Well what the hell are we waiting for? I would love to eat your waffle!”[/color] Oros practically dragged Emily to her house, running as fast as her legs could manage. [hr] This was not the first time Oros and Emily were at her house together, but they hadn’t engaged with each other last time so it felt like this was the first time she had Oros over. At the very least, it was the first time Emily had Oros over by herself. Oros was a glutton, but she didn’t compare to Hilaria. And Emily wouldn’t complain even if she did. Oros was content with four waffles, which she had slathered with syrup and whipped cream. Chocolate chips and sliced fruit practically floated on top of the syrup and cream. Oros sat in front of her meal. She had turned back into a woman and had a handkerchief tucked into her shirt. When Oros split the waffles with her fork, the syrup and cream concoction pooled on her plate, [color=tomato]“I love breakfast!”[/color] Oros swabbed her fork full of waffle through the syrup. [color=tomato]“My mommy used to make it for me every day. She’d make it for me for lunch when I was a good girl.”[/color] it only took Oros a moment to clean her fork. [color=tomato]“It doesn’t get any better than this shit. Once your mom dies, the best you can hope for is some friend with benefits to come along and knows her way around a kitchen.”[/color] Emily was noticeably less tense since Oros changed and that had allowed her to make their food without additional stress. She sat on the other end of the table and waited for Oros to begin before even looking at her own food. [color=turquoise]"Oh, I hope you enjoy it then!"[/color] she agreed with Oros in that regard. [color=turquoise]"My mother was a great cook, so I always try to emulate her when I'm in the kitchen."[/color] Emily was only taught a few basic dishes since she was young when she was separated from her family, so she was mostly just attempting to replicate the taste her mouth remembered. Dwelling on that particular subject wasn't exactly pleasant, however. She was aware of her own mother's fate, and it didn't take a genius to guess what happened with Oros', so she instead asked about the girl directly. [color=turquoise]"Um, if you don't mind my asking... what brings you to Penrose?"[/color] she asked. [color=turquoise]"Or perhaps I've just missed you. It's been quite busy lately."[/color] [color=tomato]“I haven’t been to Penrose in a long time. I don’t know how long you’ve been here, but I doubt you’d remember me.”[/color] She chuckled, then her eyes dropped to the table. [color=tomato]“As for my reason for being here, I don’t imagine it’s too different than any other magical girl. We’re all serving our patrons, right? Well, [i]they[/i] wanted me to come to this shit hole. Though I guess I can leave whenever I want now.”[/color] She trailed off. [color=tomato]“I mean, you can’t be here by choice, right?”[/color] She nodded. [color=turquoise]“Oh, I was born here!”[/color] Emily told her new friend in contrast to Oros’ assumption. She did not seem to take any offense to Oros’ choice of vocabulary when referring to Penrose. She wasn’t sure if it was a good thing, but Sakura had forced her to become somewhat desensitized to that sort of stuff. [color=turquoise]“Um, but I haven’t been here for quite some time since I left,”[/color] she elaborated, wondering just how many years it had been before her return. It was far too many, for sure. But she had to come back eventually. “Penrose has become a lot more active than I remembered it being, so it has kinda caused some problems with my search…” [color=tomato]“Yea, people keep making more magical girls. You’d think just one or two would be enough for most people.”[/color] [color=turquoise]“...But I still like it very much. What is it that you dislike about Penrose?”[/color] she went on to ask. [color=tomato]“I mean,I don’t like, ‘hate’ Penrose. But there’s all the destroyed buildings, normals on the edge of annihilation, with Beacon and Mint pushing this world closer to its destruction. A shit hole. ”[/color] Oros scratched the back of her head, her eyes looking everywhere but at Emily. [color=tomato]“It’s just been a really long time since I’ve found anyone who wants to do more than fight, you know? I’ve been to places where the sun doesn’t shine anymore, where the only place you can see a human face is a mirror.”[/color] With a shrug, she folded her hands together. [color=tomato]“I got my hopes up when I came here. I thought it would just be some magical girls fighting monsters. But it’s the Zach Snyder version of Sailor Moon.”[/color] Emily could relate to that sentiment. She felt pain any time she saw or was forced to be a part of infighting between magical girls. It should be as simple as just killing monsters, but apparently it wasn’t. [s][i][color=#FFA500]If only a majority of the other magical girls weren’t so stupid.[/color][/i][/s] Emily wished she could do anything to prevent this from happening. [color=turquoise]“Oh, I so very much dislike conflict between sisters and brothers. Monsters really should be our priority, but that’s not the case all the time... “[/color] she sighed, thinking about how unfortunate it all was. [color=turquoise]“I’m sorry that the experience is so disappointing. When I was little, things were so much simpler and kind. That’s what I want to bring back, but so much stuff happens here that I’m not sure I could make a dent… Oh, but I don’t want to ruin your appetite with any pessimism, sorry!”[/color] Though it seemed like pessimism, if anything, made the miko [i]hungrier.[/i] She ate the entire time Emily was talking, and had almost finished the entire stack of waffles. [color=tomato]“It’s just the way of things.”[/color] She licked one of her fingers. [color=tomato]“Peace always seems to follow war. The trick is to survive the war so that you can enjoy the peace.”[/color] After cleaning her fingers, Oros smiled and folded her hands together. [color=tomato]“I told you why I was here. I may be serving my patrons, but my reason for staying here is my own.”[/color] Her eyes closed as if recalling a distant memory. [color=tomato]“Penrose may be a shithole, but I know how to fix it. I can make it the way it once was: a paradise.”[/color] Her shoulders visibly dropped with a sigh. [color=tomato]“But I need help.”[/color] Emily seemed interested in what Oros had to say. But of course she would be. There was really only one thing she wanted more in the world than to Make Penrose Great Again[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup]. [color=turquoise]“Oh? If that is your goal, I would love to see how I could help!”[/color] she exclaimed, taking her first bite out of her breakfast. [color=turquoise]“If you don’t mind my asking, how would you go about this?”[/color] Oros scratched her chin. [color=tomato]“Hmm. As I’ve said previously, the Mint and Beacon are the sole reason why Penrose is in such a sorry ass state right now. The first order of business is to remove them from power.”[/color] Oros reclined in her seat. [color=tomato]“Not too difficult really. All we need to do is unite some of the factions into an alliance. Something big enough that it can beat Beacon in a skirmish, but not so big that everyone targets us. From there it’s just targeting the two respective faction’s weaknesses. The mint craves their secrecy, so forcing them out into the open will make their entire organization crumble. Beacon’s crutch is it’s hate. If we flood beacon with enough monster girls though, they will have no choice but to reform.”[/color] Oros folded her arms and grinned. [color=tomato]“Once we’re all more or less fighting monsters again, the normals will be free to come back and rebuild. But that can’t happen with the Mint and Beacon milling about.”[/color] Hearing about them always put her on edge. They were responsible for her sister's death, after all. If Jonald was snooping around, then maybe he'd-- A cat-like figure could now be seen sitting on top of the fridge. [b]"The Mint."[/b] His disgust and contempt for them was made clear in an instant. [b]"And I could not say I care for the likes of the Beacon, as well."[/b] Jonald hopped down from the fridge and circled their table. [b]"This is acceptable, is it not?"[/b] he eyed Emily. [b]"You can make Penrose a better place by ruining the Mint."[/b] Emily looked at Oros. [color=turquoise]"Oh, yes, I could see how that would require help,"[/color] she acted as though she didn't hear Jonald. [color=turquoise]"To see sisters working together..."[/color] the thought clearly appealed to her. Oros on the other hand was giving Jonald all of her attention. So much so that one might think Emily became invisible as soon as he entered the room. The pink haired girl practically teleported to the creature’s position and pulled it into her chest. [color=tomato]“Hey!”[/color] She stroked Jonald’s head, while her other arm kept his tiny body trapped between her breasts. [color=tomato]“You didn’t tell me you had this chick magnet hanging around here!”[/color] There was a tiny bit of drool coming out of the corner of Oros’s mouth. [color=tomato]“Are you Em’s boss? I don’t think we’ve met before.”[/color] Jonald’s lithe figure squeezed its way out of her grip. [b]“Do not touch me,”[/b] he snapped, retreating to his spot on the fridge. [b]“But I am Emily’s patron, yes,”[/b] he answered the question that was not necessary. Why else would a Puchuu appear at someone else’s house so suddenly? [s]-Because he’s a spy? -Because he’s a big pervert? -Because how else is a puchuu supposed to show up?[/s] [b]“Count Emily in if your plan is more than just a thought in your head. Anyway, you can call me--”[/b] [color=turquoise]“Jonald,”[/color] Emily cut in. [color=turquoise]“His name is Jonald, and he’s been my patron for the entirety of my time as a magical girl,”[/color] she explained. The Puchuu did not seem pleased by Emily’s interruption. [b]“Whatever.”[/b] he feigned indifference at the name. [color=tomato]“He smells great too!”[/color] Oros seemed to have ignored Jonald’s request to not touch him. Fortunately the fridge was deep enough that he could retreat out of her grasping range, which he did. Though she seemed to lose interest and returned to her seat. [color=tomato]“I knew there was something special about you Em! I could sense your potential!”[/color] She grinned so wide that her eyes squinted shut. [color=tomato]“I’ve gotta show you my patron some day. You’ll be glad you’ve got someone as cool as Joe at your back!”[/color] Oros stood up and walked to Emily’s side of the table. [color=tomato]“What a chance encounter! What started with ruined toast ended with an unbelievable waffle! And I made a friend!”[/color] She extended her hand to Emily. [color=tomato]“Thanks for the date. Next time we’ll go to my place. I’m something of a cook myself.”[/color] [color=turquoise]“If you’ll have me, then I’d love to, Oros!”[/color] Emily beamed such a warm smile at Oros. To have made another friend, even if she didn’t make the best first impression, was a delight. But speaking of food, she needed to eat her own! She began to dig in as Jonald hopped down from the fridge. [b]”Goodbye.”[/b] A single word was all he granted before he left.