The ground seemed to spin beneath his feet. Andrew's legs wobbled as he turned to look where she'd pointed. Confusion covering his face, liar? What had he said while passed out? The body was a still, oozing heap. The monster would never get up again. "You did it!" Andrew rejoiced. Relief flooded over him like cool waster. Yes, cool water sounded wonderful. The river continued to rush past and Andrew stumbled toward it, struggling to stay upright. The adrenaline faded and the pain took over. The fight had ended and what was left to fought for? Go lay down. Go forget. He didn't care if he never woke up. He fell to his knees on the bank and sunk his hands in. He lay down in the water to submerge his shoulder and hoped it would lessen the pain. "Are you badly hurt? You should go get that leg taken care of. Good luck." He said through gritted teeth. He could feel the blackness coming again.