Here's my attempt at a sheet. [hider=Smoking Mirror] [h2][center][color=440e62][i][b]~Smoking Mirror~[/b][/i][/color][/center][/h2] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=440e62][b]God Name:[/b][/color] Tezcatlipoca [color=440e62][b]Mortal Name:[/b][/color] Manuel Romasanta [color=440e62][b]Origin/God of:[/b][/color] Aztec God of the Night, God of Strife, God of Temptation. Lover of Jaguars (and God, as well) [color=440e62][b]God history:[/b][/color] Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror, Possessor of the Sky and Earth, Lord of the Near and Nigh, the Enemy of Both Sides. Sun of the first world of man. Clubbed from the sky by his brother, to be replaced by other, less worthy gods. Gods who had not sacrificed as he had. Gods who had not demanded sacrifice as he had. Gods like Quetzalcoatl. Well, where was the fun in that? In being denied what you were owed? What had been [i]granted [/i]to you, you specifically, for what you had done to help create the world their very worshipers stood upon? In having it all taken away in an instant, needlessly. Senselessly. There wasn't any, was there? And so Tezcatlipoca fumed, and he raged, and he tore at his flesh and tore at the earth and tore at the sky. He cast the world into night eternal, became unto a jaguar, and commanded his kin to consume the first people until there was no more left than scraps of bloody flesh. So ended the first world - no light, no worship, not for him or any other. Then Quetzalcoatl, his dear brother, did not see the error of his ways. He did not go unto Tezcatlipoca and apologize and explain, and beg at Tezcatlipoca's feet to be forgiven of the sin he had committed. Instead, Quetzalcoatl, with whom he had created the world, took his place. Became the sun. Formed a new people to worship the gods. Tezcatlipoca hissed, and he spat, and he swore a thousand curses upon the brother he had once loved, and he [i]schemed[/i]. He plotted the downfall of the Second Sun. Then the Third Sun. The Fourth Sun. When Quetzalcoatl set himself in mortal lands as king under the light of the Fifth Sun, Tezcatlipoca plotted the downfall of his brother and his precious Empire. And then...the sun set on his story. A new Sun rose over the New World, and Tezcatlipoca's time was over. But Tezcatlipoca does not forget. Tezcatlipoca does not forgive. And Tezcatlipoca never, [i]ever[/i], takes things sitting down. [color=440e62][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Tezcatlipoca delights in turning friends against each other, in tricking people to their dooms, and in ruining the best-laid plans. He has an innate sense for the emotional weak points of others, able to feel by instinct what just the wrong thing to say would be, and just the right way to say it. That he prefers fighting from behind the veil of shadows and with barbed words does not mean he is incapable of combat, however - weakened as he may be by the modern age, he remains a war deity and is no pushover in single combat. Ask around - there are plenty of people who have heard that Tezcatlipoca has an 8-pack. That he's shredded. A flaw? You dare ask. Open the dictionary, flip to the letter S. Move your finger down the page until you find the entry for "Spite". The picture next to that definition? That's Tezcatlipoca. The death of four worlds was not enough to make him feel he had gotten even - he will stop at nothing to get back at even the smallest slights, perceived or no. The man simply cannot let go of a grudge. To do so would practically be a repudiation of his very being - he has defined himself by, fueled himself with spite for so long that taking it away would leave behind something unrecognizable. Aside from all that, though, a very nice person. Very trustworthy, and decent at crochet. [color=440e62][b]Weapon(s) :[/b][/color] His namesake - [b][i][color=440e62]Tezcatlipoca[/color][/i][/b]. Smoking Mirror. A polished slab of stone, once a mirror that stood as tall as a temple. Now a fancy trinket around his neck. When looking at it one can see premonitions of the near future - though only if their name is Tezcatlipoca. [color=440e62][b]Relationships/friendships:[/b][/color] N/A for now [b][color=440e62]Other:[/color][/b] He can barely stand being out in the daylight - not out of any physical reaction to it, but simply as a matter of principle. Don't expect him to follow you around for a day trip without a great amount of cajoling unless you're fine with him taking drastically noticeable and embarrassing steps to keep himself out of the sun. Yes, he knows everyone is looking at him. He's making a statement. [/hider]