[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200909/fa1acc99411b9f665d5fefd0ac0a1733.png[/img] Mentions: [@Ambra] Silverflight watched the patrols begin to disappear from the camp and follow out her given orders for the early part of the day. She let her eyes continue to trail lazily around camp as the daily routines began to pick up speed. Several of the other warriors who had been up earlier were settling down to rest and share tongues or find some other way to make themselves useful around camp. She already began planning out the evening patrols in her head, giving Tinypaw a nod as the apprentice pulled something from the pile for herself and presumably Eelpond. The sun had burned off the mist that hung across the camp and now there was a warm glow cast across the camp and warming her pelt. She closed her eyes briefly and allowed the warmth to scare away the lingering doubts and darker thoughts that plagued the valley. She saw Eelpond slip from Shadestar's den and head back to the medicine cat den. Hopefully the two medicine cats would get something from Starclan. They had been uncomfortably silent given the terrible things that had stricken each and every clan. She watched Shadestar follow shortly after Eelpond, a contemplative look on his face slipping into worry. She hoped their leader wasn't taking too much onto his own shoulders with the killings. Starclan knew he couldn't do more than he already was. She hoped that the naming of a new apprentice and the show of clan unity would drive away at least some of his concerns. [color=00aeef][b]"Morning Shadestar,"[/b][/color] she meowed as he approached, [color=00aeef][b]"Everything alright with the journey to Moonbrook?"[/b][/color] Tensions were high and if there was something that might prevent them from communing with Starclan things would only get worse. [color=00aeef][b]"Nothing more we need to concern ourselves with I hope."[/b][/color] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200909/9777354057dfcf401b1e6928ae4e9f42.png[/img] Mentions: [@skitts] Nightpaw nodded at Dawnpelt's suggestion, [color=9a9a9a][b]"Sounds good to me,"[/b][/color] he trotted behind her and Froststorm as they began to head out of camp; shaking the water droplets off of his pelt as they dripped off the reeds, [color=9a9a9a][b]"If Irisstar decides to start something it would be good for us to be nearby."[/b][/color] He kept his ears pricked as they padded past the quiet bubbling of the streams that weaved their way into the nearby lake. He saw a faint flash of scales underneath the water, but he didn't leap after it. If they were going to be out for some time he'd rather keep his paws dry of the cold water. Maybe he'd try to catch fish on the way back if they were still swimming about. The thought of getting mud caked in between his toes wasn't the most pleasing, but he wouldn't pass up the opportunity for their return journey. [color=9a9a9a][b]"Are we allowed to hunt on our way to the Oak Dens?"[/b][/color] he asked towards Dawnpelt. He hoped to hear the quiet scuffle of small paws on the dirt or the ruffle of feathers indicating birds pecking around for seeds on the ground, but the nearby area was fairly silent. The slowly rising sun warmed his dark pelt and would hopefully lure the underground dwelling critters out into the light. He could feel the uncertain tension that ran through camp and tried to not let it get to him too much, but when the older warriors were nervous it made it difficult not to feel the same. He shook his head to clear out the thoughts and focus on what they were doing. The clan needed food and there was no way that they were going to come back empty pawed.