[center][h2]The Journey Begins[/h2][/center] [center][h3]~ Unknown Location ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Nick climbed the staircase back up as fast as he could, his danger senses spiking. No reason to stop now, each step he took got him closer to the courtyard and to safety and far, far away from this black, gooey tar whose appearance should've clued in that it was something that shouldn't be messed with. Once he reached the top, the dread was overwhelming him now. The hallway they were in earlier that was filled with those tar-covered corpses were beginning to stir. They rose up as thralls of the black tar, not that they weren't harmless to begin with. Nick only had that sword from earlier during the fight where Donovan appeared. He did not even know how to use that sword, only that the pointy end goes to the bad guys. The tar-covered wretched experiment approached, on his arm was a sharp, plant-like blade that it swung at Nick. It was aimed at his neck but Nick quickly crouched down to evade, more on frightened reflex than any sort of fighting skill. Adrenaline rushed through his body as he tried to fight back, swinging his sword wildly at the creature. At the very least, the attack would throw it off him. There was a lot of them between him and the exit, but he cannot fight all of them nor let himself get pinned down. The options were few and time was running out, it was now or never. If he managed to kill or beat back the first attacker, Nick would attempt to dash straight through the creatures and push them away if he needed to. He hoped these things would be slow like the others, which would make them easier to dodge and weave through.