[center][h1][color=87CEFA][b][i]Sarah's Courage[/i][/b][/color][/h1] [hider=NOTE] There will be points in this post where we have a discussion, but being that there is only one of us I will fill in your side of the conversation with *******. When you post your reply you have the choice to either write your responses or simply move along, as you feel would be most fun.[/hider][/center] [center][table] [row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/WDCZQyL.jpg?1[/img] Kensu Thunderfist[/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/nY69vsZ.jpg?1[/img] Pip [/cell][/row] [/table][/center] Kensu stood in front of the cave mouth absently stroking his beard and imagining what to do next. The cave was long, and winded its way into the bowels of an old, extinct volcano. He had spent the better part of the last twenty years mapping out the ways but he still hadn't found the sword. It was down there, somewhere, and there wasn't any time left to find it. The Guild had heard from Zebu that the Oracle at Leaf Village had awoken, and that could only mean the beginning of something terrible. The others all believed the Oracles were somehow super beings, blessed with infinite knowledge and power, and that they would awaken to save us from the ethereal threat of the "Harbinger," whatever that may be. The fearful truth was that Zebu shoved the Sword of Wind into a naïve boy's eager hands and sent him into a sewer to save one of the village children. The boy never returned. Kensu was one of the few in the guild who realized that these Oracles, these supposed saviors, were not the mythologized individuals people thought they were. They were kids, just like the ones in any village, and they don't know anything about the dangers which present an immediate threat; namely Draygon, his terrible minions, and the monsters. And from what Zebu says, they know nothing about using the power of the elements through the swords. He dropped his hand and sighed, feeling the heavy burden of responsibility settle on his shoulders. There was only one thing to be done. He, and those who were brave enough to stand with him, would take the swords and face whatever the Harbinger might be. There was no other option. If the Oracles are waking up, then the time to fight was coming, and if Draygon and his swine were there too..... He gathered his things and prepared to enter the cave. [color=87cefa]"Come Pip, let us go."[/color] A small creature chirped from behind a rock and skipped over to Kensu's side, then it started barking and insistently tugging at Kensu's pant leg. [color=87cefa]"What! What is it creature?!"[/color] Pip chirped up at him and turned towards the village. There, coming up the trail, was a bobbing bundle of pink hair climbing over the rock. For a moment Kensu's heart thudded in his chest. It was her, his Oracle, the one he had tended to for most of his life. When he heard that Zebu's Oracle had awakened he anxiously wondered when his might, that is why he has been in the caves for so long these last few weeks. Now that he saw the girl, his girl, he felt worried. He had spent a long time watching her and wondering what mind hid behind that calm, porcelain face. For a long time he thought that he was taking care of a hero, a savior, but now.... [color=orangered]"Brrup!"[/color] Pip chirruped. [color=87cefa]"Yes I agree,"[/color] he said, [color=87cefa]"A most auspicious happenstance, given the state of things."[/color] He sat down and lit his pipe, not feeling the need to hurry, Pip sat down next to him. After a few, long moments the girl finally arrived, huffing a little from the effort. [color=87cefa]"Well now, hello.... Oracle."[/color] The girl looked a little fazed but was polite. Pip made a few sounds and stood up, [color=87cefa]"Be calm Pip, be calm"[/color] the small animal sat back down. Kensu took another long draw from his pipe, [color=87cefa]"I am Kensu Thunderfist, Wizard of the Island and Keeper of the.... well, of you I guess."[/color] A smile touched his lips. [color=87cefa]"You've been asleep for a long time girl, I cannot say if you've ever been awake. Welcome, to our world."[/color] ******* [color=87cefa]"Hello Sarah, I'm glad you ate. That was to be my dinner, but you are welcome to it."[/color] ******* [color=87cefa]"The village was attacked. It happened last night. I was in this cave, just there, mapping and searching. When I returned to the village all my people were gone,"[/color] his voice choked just a little, but he worked hard to control his emotions. [color=87cefa]"That is why I am here, and that is what puts us in the precarious position we find ourselves in right now."[/color] ******* [color=87cefa]"Thank you, that's very kind. I'll tell you, inside of the caves is a weapon, a sword, said to harness the very thunder from the sky. I myself have worked hard to understand this force of our world, but I have only been so successful. With the sword hidden in this caves depths, well, truth be told I don't know what it will do, but our legends tell us that it is part of mecha left over from the old ones, and that it has incredible power."[/color] ******* [color=87cefa]"HAHAHAA!! That map has been my burden to make over the last 20 years! Memorized it you say? Well, that's quite a fete, maybe your kind will live up to the myths after all."[/color] Kensu smiled and toked on his pipe. ******* [color=87cefa]"You speak wisdom. I have been in the depths of these caves as far as I can imagine to go, but I've never found the sword. I... I don't even know where there is left to look."[/color] He dropped his hands to his lap, he let his countenance fall, [color=87cefa]"I will stay and guard the cave. I do not know where the mist came from, but I have my suspicions. Maybe, if you find the sword, you can save us all."[/color] [color=orangered]"Brup.. rup! Brrup!"[/color] chimed Pip. Kensu smiled. [color=87cefa]"Pip will join you, he has been with me through these caves and he will light your way. I wish you a safe journey, and when you get back, I'll have you more fish."[/color] Kensu couldn't help it, he felt something of a grandfatherly affection for the girl. He hoped this would be different from the boy from the Leaf shrine, hopefully this Oracle will find the sword, hopefully this young one will stay safe. [hider= Play Notes] Pip's ears light up, and you are welcome to play him. I used the color code "orangered" but you don't have to, he's yours now. In the cave are a variety of monsters, work your way in as far as you think reasonable and I will pick up where you leave off. Happy hunting friend. [/hider]