[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694696263320469506/709363233571471404/73beffd474711e17fcee32d1840a3426.png[/img] [hr] Well this was a day, this was a hell of a day. First Starbright got kidnapped by his dear friends and then someone actually injured him. Like sure Starbright knew that this line of work entailed having a few scrapes but someone actually injured him. All he could really do was take pleasure in his attacker being dispatched with haste. The Bullet was a star in the making, Chad just didn't know it yet. But Starbright had the know how to make sure that became reality. Though that scream may take some work. Just as The Bullet returned from the elevator, he noticed more people showing up. A couple faces he hadn't seen before, one that he honestly wish he hadn't, and oh! The other one was Rumi. Starbright immediately shifted his attention toward the 'tech guy.' [color=fff200]"Rumi! So good to see you again. Listen you're a smart guy right? I got a new idea that I would pay bank if you could make it for me. So its like a microphone right, but instead when you turn it on..."[/color] Starbright remembered that Tom was with him when Cristina gave that warning, he wasn't about to risk his ass on Tom [i]not[/i] being a nark. [color=fff200]"Well we can go over the details once this whole thing is over. We better get a move on anywa-."[/color] Smoke filled the room, and Starbright immediately started coughing. Starbright had never been so much as 30 metres within a cigarette so this was unpleasant to say the least. The introductions all past while he was still trying to regain his breath. [color=fff200]"Division X? More like Division of being very rude, am I right? You should cool it with the smoke, these lung probably cost more than your..."[/color] Starbright immediately shut up when he saw the Moonbelt. He did not want it, he needed it. It was all an interesting group, perhaps with everyone here Wings could be taken down today. Though he did try to ignore the threat from the strangely pink looking one. As if he knew what 'Eyesoleen', if he didn't know better he would just assume its the name of some very unfortunate girl. Starbright's heart dropped at he saw the Moonbelt be tossed to Joseph. Of all the people, why Joseph? Like hell Starbright was going to ask Joseph for that Moonbelt, and it definitely soured his mood. But he quickly switched his face back to regular confident Starbright, he wasn't about to show anyone the satisfaction that he was jealous of someone. [color=fff200]"Make that two ideas Rumi. I have two ideas."[/color] Chad followed the group to the roof of the building, grimacing as he passed the burnt reamins of his cellphone. He leaned over to whisper to Starbright, the person he was standing closest to. "Do you know how to fly a freaking minijet?? And can you give me a crash course before I... crash?" Starbright had noticed The Bullets expression when looking down at his phone earlier and decided to address that first. [color=fff200]"You didn't need that phone anyway. Did you see that camera on that? Only 12 Megapixels? Ugh, so last month. I'll be getting you a much better one after all this, so keep your head up. "As for flying a minijet, well I have been driving fast sports cars since I was 16. I'm pretty sure its the same thing, right? All you have to do is floor the gas petal and steer out of the way of things."[/color] This piece of great advice was the product of only driving on booked out race tracks for fun. The idea of Starbright having to drive himself anywhere as laughable. [hr] [/center] [@Hitman][@KaijuBaragon][@Duoya][@Scarifar][@canaryrose][@DarkRecon][@Rabidporcupine]