Shock finally looked up from her book when the music stopped. She sensed trouble, and watched with keen interest as Carver shook with rage. Barrel looked over from his drums as Lock watched Carver, one hand holding up his guitar at the neck, the other at his waist in irritation. Both of them quickly sobered when Carver threw the mallets. Lock ran over when Carver flipped the xylophone, his guitar flying behind him on its shoulder strap. "Hey! You'll break it!" He went to straighten it as Carver started his tantrum, though by the time he got the xylophone back up, the look on his face said enough he was less concerned for the instrument and more for his friend. Barrel, on the other hand, had dropped his drumsticks and was sitting in a small state of shock as he tried to remember...when [i]had[/i] he and Carver last shared popcorn? Certainly not yesterday, when Shock - wait, was [i]that[/i] why he was so furious? He'd been laughing too hard to notice at the time, but that would have been the perfect time to share! As he thought about it...he couldn't really remember, but it was definitely sometime before Carver got his new body. " popcorn?" he asked, quietly. Shock's hands tightened around her book. Loki sensed her tension and gave her a small nibble.