"...Music can be re-written..." Any decorum Lock had left immediately drained as he realized [i]just[/i] how much work he'd have to do to fix it. "Re-written? [i]Re-written[/i]?" he screamed. "You think I can just throw out a few notes and it'll be fine?" Lock kicked the xylophone over again. He ignored Carver and Carmilla tussling nearby. "I'll have to change the accompaniments too!" he screamed. "Everything's a piece of everything else, and---" He kicked the xylophone away from him, now too angry for words. Barrel just muttered and whined. Just as the cacophony reached its peak, a loud [i]RIIIIIIIIIIIP![/i] echoed across the room. Shock remained on the couch, her book torn in half, the pieces clutched tightly in her hands. Her body was completely still as she stared ahead in frustration. Lock and Barrel both quieted immediately. Carver and Carmilla froze mid-punch. Lillith went silent as well. Loki froze in terror. "...That's it," Shock said. She threw the book pieces down and leaped off the couch. "We're fixing this. [i]Now[/i]." She stormed over to the rope ladder leading up to the window. Lock and Barrel both perked. They grinned at each other, then ran to follow their sister. Shock got to the top of the ladder and looked back at the twins. "You two can either come with or get the fuck out. Either way, practice is [i]over[/i]."