"You want to haggle with me?" said Ailee, Pride building up behind her like a bonfire. "You [i]dare[/i] to haggle with me? You little fucker, do you not understand the position you are in? I am here to [i]inspect[/i] you, not mop your floors like a fucking janitor. And the [i]hubris[/i]," she spits the word as only someone lost in hubris can, "to [i]dare[/i] imply that you can keep me from my appointed rounds, that I am in any way incapable of leaving when I choose to. Do you know what a station is? Two cheap benches and a ticket machine. Do you know who I am!? Ailee Sundish, Archmage of King Dragon! Safety is everyone's responsibility because it will take everyone's combined efforts to be safe [b]from me[/b]!" She felt good about this. She felt like she was getting through to them.