[center][img]https://www.sciencealert.com/images/2020-03/processed/gaia-colour_1024.jpg[/img] [b][color=DC143C][h1]STAR TREK: THE NEW ORDER[/h1] [h2]PROLOGUE[/h2][/color][/b][/center] A new day dawns on the Milky Way Galaxy, but the lights are going out across the stars. Corruption and decay have seized control of the great powers of the Universe, and are dragging them ever downward into the spiraling center of the Galaxy. One by one, little by little, the Light is dimming. Darkness creeps in at every turn, as once-proud institutions fall away to disorder and subversion. Nowhere in the realm of the stars is safe from the hands of the corrupting influence now seizing the Cosmos, try as men might to fight against it. The wheel is turning towards change, towards yet another shift in the ages. And nothing anyone can do will stop it. The Last Age is already over, and nothing can be done to change that. This tragedy takes place hundreds of years into our future, in a realm spread out across space and time. And, yet, it is occurring right now - right here - for us to see. To watch. To feel. This is more than just a tragedy of a fallen golden age, but a tragedy of men and women swept up in a time of upheaval beyond their control. It is a time of bravery, of betrayal; a time of sacrifice and selfishness; a time of the highest highs as well as the lowest lows. This is how two centuries of progress came to an end. Deceit and darkness have smothered the greatest dreams of peace known to the Universe. This is not just the end of an age - but night falling on civilization itself. This is the twilight of the Federation. The end starts now.