Ah most excellent, it does. I’m not familiar with the Dresden files so if you’re intending to base your system off of that, you might have to bring me up to speed. But I like where this is going. So question...my character, Rohaan, is a shapeshifter. The ability is somewhere between physiological and magical. Aka he is not human but ther is magic sort of in his blood, so to speak. Kind of how unicorns or sirens have inherent magic, so does he, but it only pertains to the shape shifting. He has no other magical abilities. In this system/universe of ours, how do we want to address that? Like...are there people who have “wild” magic, as well as spellcasters and inherently magical creatures (like a unicorn)? I’m imagining a highly specific one-trick-pony kind of thing, like someone’s magic could be speaking with animals, disrupting tech, etc. Speaking of tech, what level are we going for exactly? Was leaning more toward modern but potentially more futuristic, even if only slightly. And as far as game limiters go, we could also have magic be something of a “controlled substance”. Either highly regulated, or maybe those with wild/inherent Magic are not trustworthy/feared etc. plus I think there should be some device or substance that outright disrupts magic (for the sake of having some way to disable Rohaan’s shifting ability if the plot requires it/in a fight etc).