Off in a little corner of the G.O.R.E. building sat a rather inconspicuous individual reading by herself, a bushy tail wagging slowly behind her, to and fro. She seemed at peace despite the numerous leaves seemingly stuck fast in the fur of her tail, unnoticed tag-alongs from her time spent in the woods finding a lost cat and nearly getting her eyes gouged out by it. Any scratches were now healed, and the girl's hands were occupied with reading over a set of thin sheets of paper before the door KER-SLAMMED open. Her canine ears reflexively fell flat against her head at the sudden loud noise, eyes wide as she stared at who it could be, only to see a goat-lady walk in, wearing the kinds of clothes that her dad said "Set the wrong kind of example for fellas". Wow! She was setting all kinds of wrong examples! It wasn't in her nature to eavesdrop, but having ears about x100 better than a human's kind of meant that you just...eavesdropped everywhere. It seemed the girl was to be a fresh G.O.R.E. Girl, intent on defending the peace and probably saving a bunch of cats, just like her! Wow, that's great! Then, she started bleeding everywhere! Wow, that's NOT great! Rising from her seat the werewolf would adjust her skirt and pat it back into place before approaching the girl who was bleeding everywhere, making a mess for the receptionists and generally causing a ton of panic. With a flick of her wrist and a swift uncorking, the girl suddenly had a glass vial to the satyr's lips and poured in a about half of the vial's liquid that faintly tasted of a mix of tea leaves and sweet berries, before the girl's wound miraculously closed...and it probably made her breathe smell really, really nice. Smiling warmly, the wolf girl's ears bounced up and down in tandem with her tail, turning her entire body to the receptionists. [color=ed1c24]"I can make you a detergent that washes blood out of clothes, if you need it! I don't have anything to get blood out of paper...buuuut, I could help you remake the papers!"[/color] the girl said, seeming eager to make herself useful, all the while her bushy tail was brushing against the satyr's stomach, indirectly tickling her.