[@Rezod92][@13org][@ShwiggityShwah][@PaulHaynek] [b][color=fff200]Yang Bethlehem[/color][/b] "Osu!" Yang cried out in a short burst of air, her legs slamming right into the Kikimora. Her powerful kick, however, proved ineffective as her opponent still stood. She had to change her opinion of the Kikimora frail look and was no different than those challengers coming for her master or temple. Though that thought went out as the Kikimora was headbutted to submission, turning nothing into mist as it returned to the original owner. That shocked Yang as she realized what it was, similar to those techniques of Kunoichi or Omnryoji, it was a split maintained power. [i]She had separated herself and was [b][i]still[/i][/b] this tough?[/i] Yang was impressed on that prowess, a tinge of eagerness on testing herself fully against her at full strength came but quickly pushed it off for now. That's when the unthinkable happens and Ditzy was captured in the blur of a moment. The hobgoblin trussed and bound like a chicken, leaving them on the back foot once more. Yang took a slow breath and once again inched forward but still keeping a distance. Hearing the exchange between her disciple and the Kikimora, the latter giving her a nasty glare, she opened her mouth in realization. "Oh." Yang rubbed the back of her head as she looked at Nero then at the Kikimora back and forth. It was true that she did unintentionally recruited Nero, and she did stoke that fire back into him again. Which was kind of what they need, though the Kikimora also had a point. "I-uh, I'm sorry?" Yang raised a hand apologetically before looking at Nero. "Do you think you should reciprocate her feelings at least?" Yang also dearly hoped that the Kikimora didn't see her as a love rival, she just genuinely wanted to fight and test her mettle against Nero. Nothing else between them. She would know, she had seen enough misunderstanding present at her temple. Yang had no interest in being involved in another one. "But, Sir Nero. It's up to you. I shall not ask you to repay us by giving your life for a fight that you wish to not participate again, If you refuse then I shan't force or bind you to our agreement." Yang said to Nero before turning to the Kikimora that she meant her words. "The choice is yours." --- [b][color=ed145b]Ditzy Stoneclub[/color][/b] Ditzy continued his trek, fearless and heedless of everything as he poured his full attention in getting Nero to safety. Then out of now where, he was kicked from the back. Making him drop forward like a sack of potato and Nero alongside it. His slow mind barely comprehended what happened before he was bounded in a blink of an eye and then forced upwards to be in front of the Kikimora, used as a shield against his allies. It took a moment before Ditzy realized the situation he was in, listening to the conversation, he wondered if this all happened because the Kikimora wanted to get together with Nero. True enough, hearing her part made Ditzy realized that she wasn't a bad person. She's just doing what was natural for a monster girls. "Why don't bird lady just get Nero to dinner?" Ditzy asked curiously like a normal child before his next statement came. "Then strip naked, dance on his lap, and get him to bed?" [i]Isn't that obvious? Most of the hobgoblins usually do that and it works.[/i] Showcasing his tribal idea and goblin courting process.