[hider=Lionel Sinclair] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/sH10Z8v/Melting-Man.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/j8mSnpF/Booboo-Stewart.png[/img] ~—*—~ [color=92358f]Name:[/color] Lionel Sinclair [color=92358f]Nicknames:[/color] Leo [color=92358f]Age:[/color] 20 [color=92358f]Gender:[/color] Male [color=92358f]Sexuality:[/color] Asexual [color=92358f]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=92358f]Occupation:[/color] Veterinary Student, Part-time Pet Shop Employee ~—*—~ [color=92358f]Likes:[/color] Animals Live theatre Disco music [color=92358f]Dislikes:[/color] Animal abusers Caffeine Horror movies Gambling [color=92358f]Hobbies:[/color] Trying different restaurants as a foodie Crocheting Amigurumi Biking around the city [color=92358f]Dreams:[/color] Lionel doesn’t have any major dreams, but he would like to make the world a little bit better if possible. [color=92358f]Fears:[/color] Lionel fears that he won’t be able to help anyone, that he is useless and not needed. ~—*—~ [color=92358f]Abilities:[/color] Leo has the ability to reduce himself down to a primitive form of life, appearing as a mass of protoplasmic goo. While in this form he retains his mental functions and intelligence, though he is not able to communicate as he is a pile of goo. Some of the aspects of this power are as follows: - Goo like properties: While in this form Leo can attach himself to any material, scale any height, or fit into any size space. The goo is naturally fluid, as most objects will just pass through it, though if Leo focuses he can make the goo incredibly solid and durable. As such it is very hard to damage this form, but high energy attacks will do damage. In the future, Leo may be able to split the blob, maintaining mental control of all pieces. - Tool creation: Leo has started to learn how to shape the goo into basic shapes and tools. So far he can form fists, hooks, shields, and simple blades. With future training, Leo may form more complex items, or even transform part of his body into a tool without fully turning into the blob form. - Side effects of transformation: While Leo is in blob form, he internally heals whatever physical damage he has taken in human form. The reverse is true as the longer Leo stays in blob form, the more it messes with his mental functions in human form. Since Leo became aware of this he has feared staying in goo form for too long, lest risk permanent psychological damage. ~—*—~ [color=92358f]History:[/color] Lionel Sinclair was born in Chicago, Illinois, the only child of Jeffrey Sinclair, a police officer, and Amanda Sinclair, a famous Native American novelist. Living in the fifth largest city in North America, Lionel was always used to being in a very large, metropolitan area. Growing up his father always talked about returning to a small town, but Lionel never saw the appeal. In his youth, Lionel would make all kinds of friends, from many different ethnicities and backgrounds. Due to this Lionel was exposed to many ideas and concepts that he may of never heard of in a small town. It was when learning about the LGBT community as a young child that he first heard the term asexual. At first he thought it impossible, that was until he started puberty and realized he was not being drawn to anyone in that way. For the time, Lionel decided to keep this fact to himself. Another big part of Lionel’s life growing up was Desmond, his father’s police dog. While trained to take down criminals, Desmond was very affectionate around Lionel. In his early teens Lionel would get much comfort from Desmond as his parents fought in the other room. Jeffrey Sinclair had a gambling problem that would flare up occasionally, as he would lose thousands of dollars in one night. Seeing how this affected his family would turn Lionel permanently off gambling, not even buying scratch tickets. By the age of fifteen Lionel’s parents would separate for the first time. This was a very hard time for Lionel as he felt he had no direction. While in this dark period, Lionel would discover the hero fandom online. Soon, Lionel began to idolize the various superheroes of America, but most notably those of New York City. Lionel decided on two things that day; to move to New York, and to help people for a living. To that end he began taking courses in high school that would lead to him becoming a doctor. It was also around this time that Lionel’s parents got back together. Things were really good for the Sinclair family for a while. The start of Lionel’s senior year of high school was rocked by the news that his dog Desmond had cancer. In the few months they had before Desmond died, Lionel spent as much time as he could with him. That brought some small comfort to Lionel on the day he died. After a period of grief for his longtime companion, Lionel decided to become a veterinarian. He would shortly apply to Empire State University, and would ultimately be accepted. So, Lionel packed up his things, said goodbye to his family, and moved into a dorm on campus. Lionel would initially have some problems adjusting to a university schedule, with so much new independence and personal responsibility. By the time he finished his first year Lionel was doing well, confident in his studies. Then the pandemic hit and classes were cancelled. With the dorms closed Lionel thought of moving back in with his parents, only to learn that they had separated again. Instead of going back to Chicago, Lionel was able to find himself a micro apartment in New York. It was there that he would weather out the pandemic, doing some online classes when available. Once the all clear was given, Lionel was very happy to leave his apartment. One of the first things he did was get a part time job at a pet shop, as to pay off the debt generated while quarantining. The day he was supposed to start was the same day the Terrigen storm happened. Lionel found himself in a cocoon, as time lost meaning to him. He would emerge three days later, his body aching and his mind fuzzy. While stumbling down the street, Lionel would collapse into a pile of goo, falling down a storm drain. He would stay in the sewers for a few minutes before he was able to force himself back into human form. Lionel would keep this transformation secret, pretending like nothing happened. He would go to work at the pet shop, using the Terrigen storm as an excuse for missing his first day, and would be ready to go back to school once the semester began. ~—*—~ [color=92358f]Note:[/color] Lionel’s clothes become a part of the goo while transforming. While returning to human form the clothes reform. [color=92358f]FC:[/color] Booboo Stewart [color=92358f]Colour:[/color] 92358f [/center] [/hider]