Jinny would easily be able to find Slade. In all the months she had of experience with living with him he was always within one of three places when she got home from work. Either in his office working on some digital project, in the living room maintaining some of his equipment, or in the basement putting together additional training equipment. Today it was the living room and on the table in front of him were a handful of disassembled handguns that he was in the process of cleaning and repairing. “No” Was his simple response to his niece. Attention barely wavering form his task of cleaning all the parts in front of him “For a few reasons, the largest being the the way I went about gaining legal custody over you, as currently there are one or two government groups keeping an eye on you and me making sure that I am taking adequate care of you.” For the most part Slade was sympathetic to Jinny’s plights about school; he himself had felt much the same way about schooling when he was younger after all. “School is one of those things that they are monitoring, so for now you are going to have to keep going.” He would add as he started to methodically put the weapons back together. A passing thought had Slade wondering if it would be too much to shadow this Boy for a while. In full gear. “That being said, School is only in session for a few more months and once it is done we will have more options.” One of those options was different schooling. Of which rumors of a villain academy that had recently started up had been making their way to him. To be fair those rumors had more to do with the fact that they were offering up the services of their graduates then that they were looking for more applicants, as otherwise Slade would likely be plotting who he needed to kill. There were no professional connection between him and Jinny, but that was only a matter of time. “So for now consider it an extended training regimen for patience” He would say wiping the oil off his hand with a nearby rag so he could ruffle Jinayah’s hair. He would turn back to his work but would still ask “About this boy. How is he being mean to you?”