"[color=fff200][b]Reports are varied the numbers can be anywhere from 200 to 1000. Hopefully we will be able to bolster the defenses and hold out until Siegfried's knights can come in and charge from the sides, hell if we're lucky the dwarves might just show up from behind to gun them down.[/b][/color]" Leonidas replied. [color=8493ca][i][b]Between 200-1000 eh? Great, at least we'll be busy.[/b][/i][/color] Rudolph thought to himself, sighing at the thought. "[color=fff200][b]"I've also heard that you have managed to get a few cannons imported in from the Dwarves? If that is the case then your home won't fall easily, even to that many orcs. I have seen a test firing of one of the weapons, they are definitley an equalizer."[/b][/color] Leonidas added on. Rudolph straightened himself, he had forgotten that the Dwarves had gifted the city some cannons. [color=8493ca][b]"Aye 'milord. Before i'd left, not long after they delivered and tested them, they were already implementing them into the city's defences. They should be finished by now."[/b][/color], he briefly looked over towards where the city sat on the horizon before turning back, [color=8493ca][b]"We might not have much magic, but we manage."[/b][/color] he followed up with a nod and smile. [color=8493ca][b]"If the city were under attack, we'd be hearing those new toys going off."[/b][/color] he followed up.