[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/KAPAYrr.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#60AAFF]And who might you be?[/color]" [hr] —————————————————— [sub]Ashford Institute[/sub][/center] [indent] Cassandra continued to walk down the halls watching people come to see and possibly [i]help[/i] the situation. Things started flying out the door as soon as it got a little too out of control, even causing the door itself to warp and bend a few times. She kept her head down and made it look like she was going to call for help but she noticed this woman noticing her from a bit more down the hall, she knew it was trouble and if she has trouble, she may as well go all the way. As soon as she was grabbed by the arm, she pivoted and spun around the girl with her arm still on hers using her abilities. She gave that girl a small taste of who she was and why she does not want to have people touch her. "[color=#60AAFF]You want me to do that to the principals office then? Alright, weirdo.[/color]" Said Jett in her German accent, obviously trying to provoke this girl, this girl had as much as a resting bitch face as Cass did and she knew this was going to be one hell of a conversation. Before she could say something she looked at this girl and thought that maybe this could be who she was looking for. She looked the girl up and down and felt the girl's grip get warmer in her hands and she immediately knew this girl was not it. She pulled the girl's arm away and prompted her to follow if she wanted to keep talking. "[color=#60AAFF]I don't like standing, if you want to talk, walk.[/color]" Cass stated as she started walking, assuming the girl followed she continued, "[color=#60AAFF]Look, I don't know who you are but I know for a fact you're not what I'm looking for, so-[/color]" She quickly glanced back towards the direction of the classroom and shook her head, "[color=#60AAFF]You know you gotta do something grand to draw something out.[/color]" And without even realising they were outside, Jett's lifestyle of never not moving has definitely given her quite the advantage. "[color=#60AAFF]So,[/color]" Her tone moved from condescending to mocking, "[color=#60AAFF]To whom do I owe the pleasure?[/color]" Asked Jett. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [@Damo021][/right][/sub][/color]