[color=fdc68a]"Good, I do so like obedient children."[/color] The Hall Mistress aid, before apparently feeling like all that needed to be said and done had been said and done. Turning on her tiny heels, she slowly made her way back into the murky dim dark of her office, closing the door behind her without actually even touching it... Was it automated? Magic? The wind? Who could say. Having managed to fish out a decently sized bucket, with a few rough cloth rags in it, Brandy finally stood back up straight - no longer exposing both rump, tail and underwear to anyone (un)fortunate enough to walk in and see her from behind. She did so at a most opportune time, as the frantic werewolf had just rushed over and joined her side. The tanned goat-girl gave the alchemist a good once-over, examening her from ear-tip to tail-tip, before saying something. "So, uhm, you know where the well is? I just rolled into town today, so i don't really know my way around yet. Went straight here to get signed up, y'know." She stated rather unabashedly. "Oh, name's Brandy. Nice to meet'cha, girlfriend. That potion-thingy you made me swallow sure was somehtin'." She added, before smiling and beginnijng to walk on over to the front door, fully intent on having the puppy follow and show her the way to the local water-drawing pit.