Ibel let out a tired sigh as his trembling hands fell from the shoulders of another petitioner. It had been months since he'd first arrived here in the freehold, yet in that time he had been anything but lazy. As a matter of fact he had been quite busy performing the work of his lord by taking the burdens of those around him onto himself, though he hadn't expected it to go quite like this. Things started out small as they so often did. A few people reconnected here and some quarrels resolved there, nothing too noticeable. But, despite his best efforts to maintain a relatively low profile, word of his gift had quickly begun to spread and so to did the problems with which he was faced. Jilted lovers wanting to leave the bitter sting of betrayal behind, veterans who wished to forget the horrific brutality of war, and even some of the more illicit members of the small Toraan community who wished to have all record of their illegal deeds erased from public view, all had come to him with issues only his master could solve. And while he was glad for their willingness, he was beginning to question the toll it was starting to take on his sanity. He could still see the memories after all, relive every minute second of them until the day of the gods return, and could do nothing but languish beneath their weight. Yet he had known this from his very first day here had he not? It was [i]his[/i] burden to bear, that much his lord had made clear, but he'd be damned if it wasn't a difficult one. Stretching somewhat, Ibel turned his gaze upwards to look for his next petitioner, only to heave a huge sigh of relief when his eyes were met with an empty square, the townsfolk who so often frequented it having packed up for the day. Leaping down from the crate upon which he was perched, Ibel let out a lengthy groan as he raised his arms up to the sky, his back popping pleasantly. Doing his best to stifle a yawn, the man stumbled back to the inn and up the stairs that led to his room, forgoing the need to pay. He'd already done more than enough for the freehold as it was and that bought him quite a bit of influence, unintentional as it might have been. Bracing himself against the door as he shoved it open, his body crying out in exhaustion and pain, Ibel made it about three steps in before collapsing into a motionless heap on the floor his mind quickly falling into the realm of dreams. And all the while Viris watched, the thinnest ghost of a smile cutting its way across his nonexistent face... [color=#737174][i]All according to plan...[/i][/color] [hider=Summary] Several months have passed and Ibel has been working practically nonstop, using the gift given to him by Viris to sort out the various conflicts and problems plaguing the freehold. An act that has given him a great deal of influence over its inner workings, whether he recognizes it or not. Meanwhile Virius watches from the heavens with a smirk, pleased that things are progressing according to some still unknown divine plan... [/hider] [hider=MP/DP Summary] Start: 2 MP, 3 DP. End: 2 MP, 3 DP. Zero spent. [/hider]