[hider=Naomi Pendergast] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201020/bafe6f508f9064c0e05cd2c4e9908ebc.png[/img] [img]https://live.staticflickr.com/8465/8139133741_e12ea332a8_b.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [sup][h1] [color=black]Naomi Pendergast [/color] [color=f08080]Naomi Pendergast[/color] [/h1][/sup][/center] [hr] [i][b][color=F08080]Nicknames:[/color][/b][/i] Mouse, Shadow [i][b][color=F08080]Age:[/color][/b][/i] 19 [i][b][color=F08080]Gender:[/color][/b][/i] Female [i][b][color=F08080]Sexuality:[/color][/b][/i] Pansexual (Saporomantic) [i][b][color=F08080]Relationship Status:[/color][/b][/i] Single [i][b][color=F08080]Occupation:[/color][/b][/i] Full Time Student, Sells handmade jewelry & cosplay costumes/accessories online [hr] [i][b][color=F08080]Likes:[/color][/b][/i] [List][*] Fiction stories - specifically romance and fantasy [*] Movies - mostly Disney/Animated Movies, Action/Adventure, RomComs [*] Anime [*] Music [*] Being Outside [*] Strawberries [/list] [i][b][color=F08080]Dislikes:[/color][/b][/i] [list][*] Thunderstorms [*] Sharing the stories she’s writing [*] Spiders, bugs - really anything she labels creepy crawly (which also includes crustaceans) [*] Summer (more the insistence on showing skin and going to the beach) [*] Yelling/Fighting [*] Crowds [/list] [i][b][color=F08080]Hobbies:[/color][/b][/i] [list][*]Writing [*] Drawing [*] Playing video games [*] Jewelry making [*] Costume/accessory making [*] Movie Marathons [*] Volunteering at local animal shelter [*] Advocating against enabling through silence [/list] [i][b][color=F08080]Dreams:[/color][/b][/i] [list][*] To be a published novelist [*] To run a charity to help families affected by abuse and alcohol [/list] [i][b][color=F08080]Fears:[/color][/b][/i] [list][*] Confined Spaces [*] Being Restrained [*] Becoming like her mother [*] Becoming an alcoholic or addicted to some form of intoxicant [/list] [hr] [center] [sup][h1] [color=black]Abilities and Powers [/color] [color=f08080]Abilities and Powers[/color] [/h1][/sup][/center] [u][i][b][color=f08080]Phosphoromancy[/color][/b][/i][/u] - She can manipulate light for various means. Or at least, she would be able to if she were to get a hang of it. [list][*]As it stands right now, she - to a varying degree - can turn invisible when her fight or flight reflex kicks in; depending on how extreme the reflex is when it kicks in will determine whether her clothes become invisible too or if just her body does. [*]But she’s been hit or miss with being able to use the invisibility on command. [*]She has been working with adjusting the way people perceive things about her - such as skin, hair, and eye color - but it takes a lot of concentration to do and maintain. [*]In theory, this ability to manipulate light will be able to allow for manifesting physical shields, powerful attacks of concentrated superheated light beams, as well as cause others to go invisible and passively change what color things are like her eyes or hair, but this has not come to pass yet. [/list] [list] [*]Her eyes have turned from an aquamarine to a lavender. [*]Her skin has taken on a bit more of a subtle lilac tone [*]She’s not sure what will happen if she uses her abilities more, and/or never actually gets a handle on them. For now, she’s optimistic nothing more will change, but she isn’t holding her breath that she may one day find that she is completely invisible all together.[/list] [hr] [center] [sup][h1] [color=black]History [/color] [color=f08080]History[/color] [/h1][/sup][/center] Life wasn’t always great for Naomi. She grew up in a quaint suburb - one where everyone knew everyone else. Father was a cop, on the force in a larger neighboring city, since returning from military service. Mother was on the rise in administration at a fortune 500 company from a well off family. High school sweethearts. To any observer, it was a great and wonderful life. But not everything is ever as perfect as it seems. Growing up, Naomi used her friends as an escape from homelife - spending as much time as she could at other kids’ houses playing rather than inviting any over to her own house. This even included the friends from her neighborhood. The parents didn’t question it - they knew how her parents were - that her mother was an overly demanding workaholic that “liked to relax” after work, and her father could be “quite the handful” after work(colloqueals the other parents preferred to use to downplay unpleasant homelives). She did her best to hide the physical abuse from friends and adults, and by the time she started school she had become the quiet kid in class teachers generally overlooked. True to that assumption, she was generally quieter and not as forthcoming in group settings if there were boisterous kids with them. She battled with eating disorders and self esteem issues for most of her youth, and spent a lot of time trying to imitate the personality traits of others to blend in better. She could see when a bad day was going to come up before her mother or father even walked in the door, and managed to find ways to just avoid being home as long as possible. When things got particularly bad, she would stay elsewhere - often trying to crash on a friend's floor as a first option, or finding somewhere else if that didn't work. She didn’t like to talk about what happened at home, but she kept a notebook and pen on her at all times and used fiction writing as an outlet for dealing with her situation. Then, when she was 14, it finally came to a head. Her father had come home from drinking his paycheck away to get into a fight with the misses - just as drunk and unhappy he came home in such a manner so late. Naomi tried to flee the house, but the altercation led to a gunshot and she was the unfortunate victim. When she woke up in the hospital the next day, she learned her father was with her the entire time. No charges had been pressed - everything swept under the rug - but he swore to never touch another drop of alcohol again. Her mother, on the other hand, never stopped. It was only a year later that she was in an accident, driving home after an evening of drinking with coworkers. She was pronounced DOA. Home was never the same. It had gotten much better. Between her father staying true to his word and staying sober, taking time to repair his relationship with his daughter - something that took the remainder of her high school career and a lot of therapy - as well as her father switching to the local PD where it was a lot less stress, albeit less money, Naomi started to actually seem like a normal girl. Considering she always managed to keep good grades, she had a few choices for college, but decided on ESU as it provided the widest range of things she was interested in. She settled into college life, hoping for a fresh start but still shying away from all the crowds and upstarts. It had been difficult at first, housing with her dog, but the school did their best and she was quite willing to do everything she could to help keep the peace with Cody by her side. Everything should have been perfect. But one day, while taking Cody for a walk, she was caught up in the Terrigen Storm. Cody howled and whimpered, pawing at the cocoon encasing her, to no avail. He’d calmed, and laid down, not leaving her side until a few days later when she emerged. Confused and terrified, she rushed home to try to find out any information that there might be about what just happened. She found reports of it happening to others, that it meant there were weird things happening. It wasn’t until her father came home to find Cody sitting content by her side and a clothes formed against the couch that she realized she’d even turned invisible as a reaction to what she was reading. She freaked out more and disappeared completely from sight until Cody helped calm her back down. She spent the next month or so refusing to leave the house even to walk the dog - instead having him go for runs in their enclosed backyard and going out to make sure it was clean for him to safely do so. It wasn’t until the new semester started that she was willing to return to school in any capacity. She secured her things and headed back, hoping for some semblance of normalcy to come from attending college like before. With Cody by her side to help keep her calm, what could possibly go wrong? [hr] [center][i][b][color=F08080]Extra Info:[/color][/b][/i][/center] She’s anorexic, though has been working on her eating disorder with her therapist. She has an emotional support dog named Cody. He’s a german shepard who was adopted after he retired from being a police dog. He is well trained, but only understands German commands. She became conversational in German after learning the commands raised an interest in it for her. She isn’t an empath, but she grew up in a shitty environment and is attuned to being able to sense when someone’s emotions take a turn for the worse. [i][b][color=F08080]Theme:[/color][/b][/i] (TBD, haven't had a chance to try to find one yet.) [i][b][color=F08080]FC:[/color][/b][/i] Emily Rudd [i][b][color=F08080]Claimed Color:[/color][/b][/i] F08080 (Light Coral) [/hider]