[center][h1][b][i][color=662d91]The Cave of Kensu's Island[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [center][@shadowsaint007][/center] [table] [row][cell][hider=Gerty][img]https://i.imgur.com/PAjsGuE.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/cell] [cell] Before the Apocalypse Gerty worked as a librarian. She didn't know much about the world of tech that had developed, she was a bookworm, more interested in old literature and the fables of heroes. She would spend her afternoons researching the myths and legends of the ancient world, seeing how they fit into Joseph Campbell's [i]Hero with a Thousand Faces[/i] characterizations, it was a hobby. When the world came to an end Gerty was bringing dinner to her mother who was working in the laboratories. Her mother had been researching how to particulate the human imagination. Imaginarium it was called, and it was the new and exciting trend in home entertainment; her mother had taken to working late and spending nights at the labs, they had no idea what was about to happen. The blizzards came first and the adults shut themselves into the facility, at the time there were 28 scientists and little Gerty; they didn't have time to run out of food. The ground moved underneath them, the entire surface of the planet began to change under Harbinger's power. While the Laboratory froze and the scientists began to die from the exposure, Magma began to seep through the cracks in the floors. It was an impossible and unnatural perversion of nature's forces. Gerty's mother pushed her into the safest part of the lab, the temperature controlled room that held the Imaginarium. There Gerty was safe, for a time. The room shook and the lights went out and the world was filled with screams and crashes, Gerty was terrified. The Imaginarium containers broke open and Gerty was swept away into the world of her own dreams and hallucinations, which in the circumstances became nightmares of monsters and demons. Then Harbinger released the Atomic Payloads and began to rearrange the molecular structure of the life forms of the planet... Gerty died in one form, and was reborn in another. Gerty... became [hider=Urgrapth][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZmzYXmP.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [/cell][/row] [/table] Urgrapth nestled into her web, secure, safe. Her babies surrounded her, tinkling and moving throughout the web, doing the insectoid things that spider creatures would do. Urgrapth waited, expecting her children to bring back the intruder. The smoke should have made it fall, and her children should have brought it quick, but there had been too much time. Urgrapth waited... impatiently. At a nod, she sent five more of her children to help fetch, two more than before, if the others were hurt then more would be needed. Her babies, they should not be hurt, they need to be safe. Urgrapth nervously began to pace around her web. She grabbed one of the villagers, a young one that smelled like flowers, and prepared it for food. If she had to go to fight the visitor herself she'll need food, but she will wait for her children to report back first. [center][h2]*******[/h2][/center] SETTING: Kensu sat at the mouth of the sealed cave smoking his pipe and lost, deep in thought. He knew that somewhere in the caves, hidden behind walls and in secret caverns rarely seen by any eyes, is a sword mounted into stone. It has no scabbard, no lace, but it did have the power to harness the dramatic and fearful power of the Storm. The mysteries of his religion taught that the Oracles were made to speak to the swords and feel their call, and hopefully this pink haired girl would be drawn to the weapon soon. Kensu wasn't certain, but he feared that the disappearance of the villagers had something to do with this mountain. A week or so before he had peeled open some strange, metal door and inside was this pulsating black mass. Hesitantly he watched the mass pulsate faster and faster, then little spindly creatures began to leak from the sides of the mass. Disgusted, Kensu backed away and shut the door. Normally the animals and creatures of the island were of the nature to leave people alone, but maybe, maybe this one was different. The people of his island, his people were all gone, but there were no signs of violence; and the cave was not shut, but Pip was with the girl. So much had changed, so much, and so fast. Kensu smoked his pipe and watched the cave, it took much of his will power not to show his terror. [hider=SYNOPSIS] There are 5 more spider monsters coming after you, Urgrapth has prepared a snack in case she needs to fight you herself. Kensu is worried he's responsible for waking up the spider monster, and you feel the call of the sword: [img]https://i.imgur.com/XYSG7fw.jpg?1[/img][/hider]