[h1][color=limegreen]Faculty[/color][/h1][hr] [hider][table][row][/row][row][cell][h1]Adam[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Blackmore[/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5wPOziv.jpg[/img] [b]52 | Adam Darius Blackmore | He/Him [/b][hr][i]"Great power leads to great ego."[/i][/center] [/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]The famed Adam Blackmore was originally a member of ALBATROSS before it was disbanded. Adam was originally known as All-Father and was considered to be the most powerful member of that organization. Adam retired when ALBATROSS was disbanded and eventually dedicated himself to being a teacher and trying to assist the next generation of Deltahumans. In time, Adam became the headmaster of Academy 003 and he rules it with an iron fist - overseeing all operations and instructions in the Academy and making sure it complies with FAMA regulations. Adam Blackmore is kind but can be a bit of a hardass and overly stern. He isn't regarded too highly by the students, but ultimately he feels as if he's got their best interests at heart. Adam is a Caucasian man that stands at five-ten and has a bit of a gut due to his metabolism dropping. He has prematurely greying hair and makes sure that he's sharp at all times.[/indent] [b]Power:[/B] [i]Type-Green - Observational-Power Replication.[/i] [indent]Adam is the inheritor of the Blackmore's hereditary power to copy other powers. Adam's specific form of power replication is that he copies power by observing it in action, instead of getting the whole power, he merely copies what he sees. The more he observes, the stronger the ability will get - until it matches the original in terms of strength. For example: if he watches a fire-bender shoot a fireball, he'll gain a small amount of the ability, until he sees more. In the case of passive abilities, Adam could simply watch the person for a large sum of time to copy their ability. Adam also has the power to instinctively and innately understand powers by watching them in action, and he can understand a superpower on a level they don't. Adam's ability allows him to store five different powers at a time and he can use them all simultaneously.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h1]Veronica[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Davis[/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/KJcacnf.jpg[/img] [b]28 | Veronica Gwendolygn Davis | She/Her [/b][hr][i]"Run along, I'm busy."[/i][/center] [/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]A former rich princess from Canada that got thrown out of her family's estate after they found out about her ability. Veronica drifted her way into America and after tricking a bastard into marrying her (and then having his child so he's stuck), she got her green card. Afterward, Veronica worked various jobs until she got a degree in teaching and got hired by the Academy - eventually becoming the vice-principal. A job that she doesn't really like because she wants to be the top, but she has an air of professionalism. Veronica speaks with a slight French accent as she's usually not the most talkative person - mostly because she sees the children as being beneath her and not worthy of her time. Usually, she'll ignore any attempts to talk to her unless they're important and speaks with a haughty, condescending tone. Veronica, most of the time, will defer any tasks that aren't important to somebody underneath her but sometimes she'll (politely) tell somebody to fuck off herself. Veronica is a slightly taller than average girl that's pretty curvy, what's notable about her is her head of black hair and her sharp green eyes.[/indent] [b]Power:[/B] [i]Type-Blue - Telekinesis.[/i] [indent]ittle Veronica here was gifted with a telekinetic ability when she came in contact with the blue crystal. This allows her to exert her mental will on the area around her in ways that you'd expect from a telekinetic. She can move objects with a thought; pulling, pushing, twisting, bending, crushing, etc, etc. She can pull these mental feats off with relative ease - she can control objects with body movements. Since she has a high degree of control over her power, she's capable of manipulating a large number of objects at a time or moving a very large object. She's capable of manipulating two cars, while still retaining the ability to walk. Veronica can also use her telekinesis to make herself fly, propelling herself through the air. Any objects she controls will be wrapped in a dark-green, wavy, aura until she releases control of them - and whenever she slightly activates her power, she will be surrounded in a similar field.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h1]Michelle[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Gallus[/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zDdASi0.jpg[/img] [b]32 | Michelle Brianna Gallus | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"You have a weak heart, but that's okay. I'll fix that for you."[/i][/center] [/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Michelle had a complicated life up until this point, she was born in Miami and when her ability manifested when she was a teen she was kicked out of her house by her parents. She lived out on her own in the wilderness until she was picked up by a traveling Deltahuman circus. After a few years of living with them, Michelle went to one of the Academies and eventually joined Albatross - where she lost her arm in the battle against REAPER. After the loss of her arm, she went soul searching as it regenerated and ended up working at a grocery store for a while. Michelle eventually managed to get a job at Academy 003 and was a teacher ever since. Michelle is a tough woman that doesn't accept excuses or pity, she pushes the students under her care to be the best. Michelle's a very intimidating-looking woman because she's seven feet tall due to her ability to change her body and she is very muscular. Michelle is African-American and keeps her hair in dreads. She speaks with a deep voice and usually is quick and to the point and doesn't like meandering. .[/indent] [b]Power:[/B] [i]Type-Yellow - Bestial-Strength.[/i] [indent]Michelle's ability grants her all the abilities of the animal kingdom - primarily the predators. Her primary ability is that Michelle is [i]incredibly[/i] strong and not only are her muscles larger but she can exert superhuman amounts of strength. She can toss a minivan one-handed and punch through steel - the only issue is that it hurts after this. Her body is tougher than normal, to the point where she would barely feel a punch from a professional boxer. Michelle also possesses a mild regenerative factor, she can't immediately bounce back from wounds but in time she can regenerate even limbs. Not just [i]that[/i], but Michelle has an enhanced sense of smell, hearing, and sight.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h1]Fiona[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Barrett[/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/agohg3o.png[/img] [b]29 | Fiona Ashley Barrett | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Oh, hi there!."[/i][/center] [/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Fiona Barrett is definitely an interesting one, she was rescued from a REAPER lab back when ALBATROSS was a thing. Since then she bounced from foster-home to foster-home never seeming to find a place that accepted her until she was given a home in the Academy program. Even then, she was treated differently from the other Deltahumans. Why you ask? Because Fiona looks like a walking-bug. Fiona is covered from head to toe in green chitin and she's armored as an insect. Her eyes are two almond-shaped grasshoppers, she has antennae on her head, and she has two large mandibles on her face - but underneath those mandibles is a human mouth and lips. Fiona has two thick legs that are disproportionately long and make her stand over six feet tall in height. What's strange is that Fiona has a head of orange-red that's long and wavy. Fiona is a very cheerful and kind person that contrasts well with Michelle's more rough nature.[/indent] [b]Power:[/B] [i]Type-Yellow - Grasshopper-Physiology.[/i] [indent]Fiona has the abilities of the mighty cricket! Obviously, she's a bit tougher than average because she has a shell, but this shell can't heal the normal way. She'd have to shed her shell to repair it but it'd leave her vulnerable for awhile. Fiona also got the hops and can jump up to fifty feet into the air and land without hurting herself - and she's got one mean kick. Fiona's senses are also enhanced to superhuman levels and she can hear frequencies outside of the human spectrum, smell like a bloodhound, and she has a wide field of vision.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][/hider]