[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200129/2b530ba2297eea5b234b6eed58e3d1df.png[/img] ○ ○ ۝ ○ ○ [/center] The journey on foot toward Windsgate had been relatively quiet, which was fortunate for one such as the Goliath, preferring the ambience of her woodland surroundings to the ramblings of a human. Still, Brennen’s company was bearable as traveling companions go. Vah’lux felt slightly more connected to him from the little she knew of his background and culture, but it did appear that he was a lot closer to nature than many of his kind she had encountered previously. Humans were, at least in her experience, about as untrustworthy as they came, and the woman hoped that she was wrong about the mage. “And so it is.” She responded to the other, as they made it to the gates of the town under the watchful and suspicious eyes of the guards. Their bewildered expressions did not go unnoticed, as was typical when a Goliath -much larger than a human by a few feet- would come within proximity. Sometimes it was a mere glance and the shaking of a head, but there have been other times where the initial response was to draw weapons on such a creature as though the lot of her race were nothing but mindless barbarians. Thankfully however, the latter had not been the case, as both her and Brennen stepped into the courtyard of Windsgate unbothered. An ornate circular fountain sat in the center of the square, and at the top sat the statue of their [i]alleged[/i] local founder and folk hero: a hunter-gatherer who fought off hordes of Goblins and Orcs to liberate the lands and usher in peace for many years. Of course, peace only lasts for so long. “Where shall we go from here?” Vah’lux said, leaning against her glaive and surveying the small wood and stone buildings that lined the area. Among them, a tavern sat at the far end. “While I am not one to drink at such an early hour, I seem to recall the tavern straight ahead as having a wonderful stew, known to replenish even the most weary of travelers.”