[center][h2]||Interstitial||[/h2][/center] [b]Anathet![/b] Casa du #MAT is a veil-free zone. No eye-conography (that’s a security measure) and no veils (that’s just personal). It’s so small and cramped that one can barely believe there’s room for one person, let alone two. But here she is, just like Étoile told you: Canada. She’s... looked better. Those are some magnificent bruises. And she’s stuck in here until the coast is clear, and “here” is barely three steps across, even if #MAT is sitting all tucked up cross-leggies in a bed of wires, dissecting a tablet and drying her counterfeit keys. And here she is. The only survivor of a battle with the gods not locked up in the Temple of Enki. Wow. *** [b]Canada![/b] As above, but it’s been pretty rough hiding out here, right? You need a plan. Or access to a mirror. Or something that lets you get out. *** [b]Étoile![/b] Lady is fading. The household is in chaos, Jezcha is throwing her weight around, there are guards everywhere, and the tumult is making Lady’s condition worse. She’s anxious, too, barely able to sleep at night, worried that she’s a target. There’s always the tramp of boots outside her chambers, and she’s so listless that not even your massages and fanning and perfect little tea ceremonies are helping. You know what you have to do. There’s only one way to bring a smile back to that pale face beneath her wispy veil. And even if you have to be accompanied by guards while walking in the gardens... it has to be worth it. It’s time for super-[i]lamassie.[/i]