[hider=The Osthirii Synergy] [h1][u]The Osthirii Synergy[/u][/h1] [h1][u]Flag[/u][/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/24f1a38d-dab8-4c1e-b793-1d512ed1f6be.jpg[/img] [h2][u]Overview[/u][/h2] The Osthirii Synergy are... well.. old! In an unforgiving galaxy plagued by conflicts and mysteries as old as time, conspiracies and threats for old orders to splinter and new empires to be born, The Osthirii, have kept to themselves... A civilization amounting to the hundreds of trillions possibly even quadrillions; They are creatures built both of plant life and nanite technology. Their origins are evidently unknown even to themselves, though they may put themselves around the origins of the Karbana Kinnis Hyper-World but since they are as of yet an undiscovered species no other witnesses other than themselves can confirm or deny this claim. They originated near the centre of the galaxy, right inside the tightly packed bulge of stars that surrounds the Sagittarius black hole... Out of the 78 billion stars in that galactic bulge, they own 4,567 stars all immediate neighbours to each other. They can't be seen as owning an influence territory like most imperiums which, now dominate this galaxy, since most have the influence territory spanning across dozens of billions of stars some even more, all the while leaving the majority of these stars unpopulated and even unexplored. The Osthirii have tightly populated and colonised every planet and asteroid around those 4,567 stars - and since not even they know where exactly they began (at least not officially) they don't have an official origin planet... The most intriguing fact is that they began so close to the galactic core where the shear radiation of the galactic core renders the evolution of life impossible, there but for primordial goo and moss on some really weird, nightmarish worlds. Despite this fact, the planets which they have colonized and filled have been richly terraformed almost to the point of looking like utopian paradises on the surface, and having all their cities underground with, but a few buildings on the surface, which provide passage for their spaceships and people. [hider=Osthirii Aspect And Traits] The Osthirii creatures, are highly intelligent beings, composed out of plant matter and nanite technology shich builds them into an almost spherical structure which grows huge roots which they use to walk, run, and jump. The same roots they use as limbs for the purposes of developing and handling outer technology. (aside from the inner engines which act almost like organs for their body) [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ce43aa7c-a067-4b81-8789-30e97ee0619a.jpg[/img] The light they emit is caused by the inner processes of energy production, nutrient processing, body regeneration and everything else they need to communicate and think and operate in the universe. Highly energetic beings, one of them could produce sufficient energy out of the void, to supply the energy needs of a small country for 1000 years! Since they are half organic, they consume both organic nutrients, energy (which they produce - unless internal systems damaged then need to feed off the solar energy of the light from stars until they regenerate), and minerals such as common silicates (rocks, crystals, dirt, sand) and minerals (metals) Their organism is incredibly complex and ever-changing, thus rendering them as different from one another as a human fingerprint is to another human. [h3] [b]Osthirii Size[/b] [/h3] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3546d50b-841e-4fae-bd03-3a0d6bc48ee5.jpg[/img] They are pretty sizable creatures, one of them easily comparing to a small building [h3] [b]Osthirii reproduction[/b] [/h3] Though these creatures are a fairly big society, they are not all that fertile... These creatures only reproduce once a decade and for a group of Osthirii pups/buds to grow is anywhere between 10 to 20 years. The main reason they are so sizeable in population is because of the fact that they do not die of natural aging! The oldest known generation of Osthirii are theorised to be almost a billion years old... Though they are immortal, they have to sacrifice their memory for the purposes of survival, this being one of the reasons why their society can't remember very well where they began and how. [h3] [b]Osthirii resilience[/b] [/h3] As for how do they die, their systems can fail, or accidents or if they are hacked (due to them being computer-like)... Though they are not too easy to kill as they can regenerate, even if they are shattered to bits, burned or molten... Principally, their greatest weakness is hacking, which can turn their nanites off, and leave their organism without any regenerative capabilities, therefore exposing them to being easily killed by a couple of rockets or strong plasma blasts. Another weakness is draining them of nanites, which in turn these nanites once separated from their host, are not very resilient or independent, thus quickly melting away into primal chemicals and minerals, so once the nanites are turned off, it is officially game over for an Osthirii adult. Their body generates a low-level forcefield which can be turned off with energy based weaponry, and thus giving a huge window for hacking. Starvation does not kill them, because it is nearly impossible to deprive them of food, they can easily feed on the hull of a spaceship and the radiation from space and/or sunlight. [h3] [b]Osthirii energy usage and reasons for it being so high :hmm [/b] [/h3] The nutrients preserve their organism's energy production functions, which in turn fuels into their nanite core, that keeps the nanites reproducing and re-assimilating should a bunch of them fail. This also being highly important for their sentience functions, if they do not eat for three weeks, they officially become drooling vegetables, which slowly die off, as their engines stop producing energy little by little. Added to this, they do not need to eat much due to the shear amount of energy they produce which keeps them from starving and the fact that it is almost impossible to stop them from feeding off of the universe's energy and radiation. They basically only need to consume a hand-full of solid/liquid/gaseous matter or simply radiation and energy per day. And the way they process the food allows for the production of dead matter crystals as waste. [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7886cc9c-89ed-4de4-a648-8df852e23b2f.jpg[/img] This dead matter is toxic for them, and is almost alien to anything in the tangible universe, but it is incredibly beneficent for the nuclear fusion that happens inside stars - thus slowing it down and multiplying the hydrogen in the star. And if enough quantities of Dead Matter are thrown in a star, the helium and heavier elements begin to reverse through nuclear fission in their original form of hydrogen. Their poop, essentially is one of the main materials they use to prolong the lifespan of their suns. Talk about beings who tend to the needs of the deities of the sun worshiping cultures... :hmm [h3] [b]Osthirii abilities[/b] [/h3] Besides their basic survival and reproduction set, their body acts as a low level gravity inverting system which allows them to hover, and if needed they can engage a small flying engine for short bursts - which is incredibly useful in space and acts as a replacement for their need of planet side vehicles. A combination of hovering and flight bursts can easily act as a hovering land-rover. Their underground cities provide magnetic belts (almost like a street) which allow them easy access to any location in the city through their natural movement abilities. They use mostly radio-waves combined with low level telepathic field, in order to communicate, but due to their high intelligence and telepathy, they can easily learn any alien language they enter in contact with... not that they ever found the need for such, as far as they are concerned. They do emit harmonious sounds and tones, which makes a planet which they inhabit, sound like an electric violin opera... One of the most profound abilities which defines their nature, is their ability to [u][b]split-shift form[/b][/u] . Basically what this is, is that their inner body clusters together in a densely crystalized core, almost indestructible and unloads their mind in their outer body. Their inner core is tightly packed in a red-glowing hexagonoal crystal sphere the size of an average human, leaving plenty of body-mass for the process that follows: Their body-mass - roots included - breaks up into several smaller chucks (depending on the matter needed for the form they will adopt), and the nanites go to work to shape those chunks into the form that they decided to disguise themselves as. Having to consider that they never fancied themselves using this ability because they never needed it, they may be a bit rusty as to how to perform such a task nowadays. But fundamentally, the shape they take tends to adapt to the species targeted so well, that apart from the nanites no medic or biology expert from the targeted species can spot their alien origin! Well... that is for the fact that the shape they adopt is fundamentally perfect, a perfect version of said species - perfectly healthy - perfectly beautiful -perfectly intelligent... Think those traits might give them away? [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/32249c20-5848-423c-a71d-0f7c0353e513.jpg[/img] [b]This ability links with their psychology in the next tab. [/b] [h3] [b]Osthirii technology[/b] [/h3] They are ancient, and have rivalling technologies with the very Karbana Kinnis - Hyper World. Though they never saw themselves in the need to use it except for space exploration, planet and asteroid terraformation and colonization, and star preservation (to prevent the natural decay and death of a star) Due to a deeply encoded paranoia, they mainly used it to constantly scan the skies around their tight star cluster in order to prevent any form of detection from any civilization that might wonder too close to the galactic core. They used their wisdom and knowledge to hide themselves and make their star systems appear non-interesting and even developed a massive perception filter to make any roaming explorer ignore their stars. Their military capabilities are limited, as overall they are a peaceful species, though technically speaking they could easily and quickly adapt to the military capabilities of the attacking party. They only use weak warp engines since they only found themselves needing it for a volume of 100 LY of stars in the densely crowded area of the central bulge of the galaxy. Heavily unprepared for any conflict, due to their confidence in their apparent "invisibility" if they should be discovered by a greedy and hostile empire, they could be military conquered easily enough should the attacking party act fast enough to prevent them from adapting. [/hider] [hider= Osthirii Psychology] The Osthirii adult, is an independent entity. As far as anyone else is concerned that is... You see, the average Osthirii has multiple personalities inside only one body! This being what exactly happens inside is that one of them can carry up to 100 different psychic-virtual entities in one body, which are in fact mortal. They are like small towns of virtual people, which reproduce in their psychic-virtual realm and when the amount of personality entities reach a high enough number (which takes 10 years, roughly) they produce mustard-seed sized seeds on their bodies, each containing one personality entity, which is dropped to grow another pup/bud. But this is another one of the reasons they are so forgetful... Their personality entities die of literal "old age" and re-assimilate in their nanite core, every 40-50 years, which makes it really hard to preserve their memories, especially since they are highly prone to a multiple personality disorder, should a conflict arise in that tiny community! The fact that they generate multiple personality entities inside their psyche, is one of the core resources they use when using the [u][b]Split-Shift Form[/b][/u] ability. When they finished the process of creating multiple bodies of the species one Osthirii Adult plans to disguise as, it downloads all of those personalities one per body, and sometimes, if they don't have enough personalities - the entities divide thus temporally creating more personality entities for the purposes of this power. This aside, they also share in a hive-mind consciousness being ruled by several "queens" somewhere within their empire, having to consider that these "queens" are purely ethereal in nature and the only personality entities that are almost immortal. They constantly migrate at random from Osthirii to Osthirii, as they so please, assigning new leaders, resolving conflicts, and being in charged of keeping as much as possible of their culture and history in check. Surprisingly enough, they are also highly emotional creatures, but due to them living in a relatively peaceful society, they are not easily provoked to anger due to a ruling philosophy of peace and forgiveness, which played a major role in them not separating and flying off into the galaxy thus exposing their people to the aliens. Though in their crowded star cluster, there are several factions which have developed, they still, subject themselves to the Queens and the will of the society. It is as of yet unknown whether they will experience an internal conflict big enough to attract the attention of the galaxy. They call the universe "The Sprout of Infinity", and "The Unending Mystery" as they have been studying it's secrets for so long that not even they can remember and still have not reach even 1% of the knowledge out there. And inside... The Osthirii fancy themselves as the librarians of the galaxy, yet they are a proud people, thinking of themselves as the observers of reality, taking huge pride in the fact that they have not been discovered by anyone for hundreds of millions of years... But despite their seemingly endless wisdom, they seem to lack the saying that "pride comes before a fall". Should their very qualities prove to be their downfall? Who knows... [/hider] [hider=Permissions] Can be used by anyone within their lore. They cannot be made to be discovered from the inside... That is not easily, But they can be made to do anything, almost universal, Eventually the Osthirii will be discovered upon further development of the game... That will have to be a momentous encounter! [/hider] [/hider] [b]Here's the theme song of these people - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4g-KHbVxpk[/b] [hider=The Osthirii Synergy Location on Map] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4fe2de98-4f0e-464c-ae7c-492e211c5b50.jpg[/img] [/hider]