[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Braddock Academy -> St. David's Hospital - Cardiff [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Niah had given Oliver's shoulder a little squeeze before they got into the car. She was trying to be comforting. It was awkward though. Death always was. Even for people who had someone close to them die. She took the card from the driver and thanked him. Inside she let Oliver lead the way. She didn't know this hospital, but she did know hospitals. It was ridiculously early in the morning so it being empty made sense, but it made her feel more uncomfortable. It reminded her of liminal space. The music reminded her of a youtuber she watched sometimes when she needed something silly. At first, she couldn't figure out what the connection was, but then she realized the music was the same as what the youtuber used as their unboxing music. Now she wanted to watch a video of Jackie giving some review on a crappy craft kit. It would provide some levity. [color=0080ff]"Do you want me to go with you? Or wait out here?"[/color] She asked as they neared the door to the room where Oliver's mother was dying. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] 616 169th Street, Queens [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] Infiltration, Hand-to-hand, Paralytic touch [/center] [hr][hr] Matt's point had gotten across. It was nice to be working with people who understood each other. Bonnie had taken the offensive and Matt was able to step in and touch Captain America. He had figured with the super-soldier serum Rogers would probably be a bit more immune to his power than most. Because of that, Matt let out about as much of his power as he had the time he had almost killed Cass. Together they had made it possible. Matt watched as Rogers limbs seemed to stop replying to him, as an arrow dug into his shoulder. He hissed painfully. [color=004d00]"The rules are there to help people, to protect them. You can't tell me you think it is a good idea to have kids out there fighting. And people just decide whoever they want is an enemy. There have to be checks and balances."[/color] He needed to pull the arrow out of his shoulder. He reached back with his opposite hand and gently pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. He was now bleeding, but at least he didn't have an arrow sticking out of it. He put his hand over the gash.