Agatha had several dawning realizations when Lock referred to "Corvin" as Carver and mentioned a new body. Not the least of which being that she was pretty certain she knew how an invisibility potion had gone missing from inventory. Luckily, before she had a chance to reflexively call the tricksters out on it and risk temporarily redirecting Shock's wrath, Sobki's human friend excitedly joined the conversation. "Housebreaking party? AWESOME! Count me [i]IN[/i]!" The new guy pumped his fist then pulled a beer can out of a pocket to start chugging. Agatha and the vampires blinked a bit in confusion and surprise before turning to the Egyptian monster questioningly. He just shrugged. "This is Chad. He just kinda... shows up, roundabout once a month. For some reason, the first place he usually goes to is my place, so we've started hanging out." "That doesn't really really explain... any of [i]that[/i]." Carmilla gestured toward Chad's... everything. Jacket, backward baseball cap, faded blue jeans, awkwardly half-brushed blond curls, can of low quality beer, dopey grin, the works. Sobki shrugged again. "Don't ask me. That's just... Chad." Agatha cleared her throat. "In any case... Do you guys need something to break down the Finkelstein's door with? It's only made of wood, but it's like nine inches thick," she reminded them, "and the stairs don't really leave a lot of room to balance while kicking it with one foot."