Lock, Shock, and Barrel also turned to new guy. Lock looked properly perplexed, Shock crossed her arms and glared, as nothing could break her from her current fury, Loki tilted his head at this strange "new monster", and Barrel just slowly cocked his head in confusion. All of the trio relaxed when the new guy offered to join in. Shock even smirked at the thought of potential trouble. "The more--" she started. "--The merrier!" Barrel finished with a grin. He offered a high-five to Chad. The new guy now added to their group, they turned to Agatha. Lock and Shock proudly gestured to Barrel, who took a bow. "His thick skull is good for [i]something[/i]," Lock said. He patted his little brother's head before Barrel stood straight again. The youngest trickster shrugged. "It's true," Barrel agreed. Shock stepped towards Agatha. "Why?" she asked. "What's in it for you?" She wasn't about to turn down additional help, but she also knew the witches were pretty loyal to Jack and always out for a bargain. Unlike the vampires, who she knew joined them on the technicality that they were helping a fellow citizen, and thus were being lawful, Agatha had no such caveat to keep her from defecting.