[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/81IEtdI.png[/img] [/center] [color=Gold]“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,”[/color] Dana conceded in response to Penny’s observation that Altea had better character arcs than her own favorite show. [color=Gold]“At least, if you’re only talking about the [i]first[/i] season,”[/color] she added with a grin. [color=Gold]“Season two took a really deep look at a lot of Alexis’s emotional vulnerabilities, especially her until-then unrequited love for her best friend. But that’s not really the reason why I love her show,”[/color] Dana continued. [color=Gold]“It’s mainly because of all the crazy, hyperkinetic action and cool designs for characters, vehicles, monsters, and all that stuff! Then there’s all the comedy too! It’s just really fun to watch! I mean, what other show has the main character go up against a biomechanical titan the size of a sanctum city in the first few minutes of the [i]very first episode?![/i]”[/color] It was clear to see that Dana was getting even more excited than usual just thinking about it, but she quickly shifted gears when Penny voiced a new question. [color=Gold]“Oh, uh, sisters? Yeah, I have four,”[/color] Dana replied. [color=Gold]“They’re all older than me, though, which is fine, cause they’re all really encouraging and supportive. The perfect big sisters!”[/color] she added with a giggle. [color=Gold]“What are your sisters like?”[/color]