[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7doaecd.png[/img][/center] [color=39b54a]"See, that's it, isn't it?"[/color] Penny says with an air of academic discussion. [color=39b54a]"Altea's more... well, I suppose there's no better for it without sounding condescending, so let's say 'dark' and 'grounded'. The setting is everyday, she's more relateable as an everyday person, and while it does have more fantasy elements it still has a darker tone to it regarding loss and sacrifice. Alexis is, well, bubbly and energetic, and it takes almost halfway into season two to really start the character development going. I'd say the episode when they bring in Pretty Soldier Glenda, but she's a red herring at first to properly set up the rivalry with Alex..."[/color] She pauses, then turns to face Dana. [color=39b54a]"Okay, fine, I watch Gunslinger Alexis whenever I could,"[/color] she admits, [color=39b54a]"but I'll take Altea over it anyday. Not saying it's [b][i]bad[/i][/b], just saying I prefer mine. "As for my sisters, well, we got the twins Liz'n'Liz - that's Elizabeth and Melissa - as the oldest, older than me by almost two years, I'm the one they had after, and then there's Nessa, she's ten and the youngest daughter, but David's the youngest and he's eight. Liznliz - yeah, we just put the two together most of the time - they're tomboys, and they can be a pain sometimes, but they're pretty cool and helpful most of the times. They're couriers, so they taught me how to rollerblade; they're really good at it. And Nessa's just a daddy's girl and a real sweetheart. I'm the one stuck being the responsible kid in the family most of the time..."[/color]