The Mediterranean looking woman with black hair and brown eyes looked up at one of the two security goons as he discarded her into a holding cell. She ended up bu tt first on the tile floor and the skin tight dark suit. She thought made her look like a short version of Cat Woman, minus the large curves to fill it out. Alexandria was short and cute even for not having the curves of a supermodel. She was a mix of Russian, Italian, and Porto Rican ancestry. She could trace her lineage back to the great wizards of Russia. What this all gave her was a beautiful facial structure, skin that looked like she came off the beach, a fiery temper, and the need to talk with her hands moving. What came into the cell next was her dress, a knock-off of a knock-off designer and healed shoes all of which were thrown on top of her. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you that is no how you treat a lady,” she said with a Porto Rican accent her arms flailing as she stood up and moved at them. Another shove and she was back on her butt as the force field came up holding her in the cell. What she was missing was her purse and her jewelry. They all contained magical foci that enhanced her ability to cast and control her magic. As she stood up again and rubbed her butt, she saw Rheoaan Rohaan Rio Ja’aisen. He had been caught as well and was in the cell next to her. She could tell that he been playing with the guards trying to keep them of base. They had met through a fence on the south side of town. Both had been working as independent contractors. Now they worked as a team or in this case got caught as a team on some jobs. Rohaan was everything that Alexandria was not. He was graceful, powerful, strong. She on the other hand was a recently graduated book nerd who loved magic as much as breathing. She hated weapons, but had a knife in the small of her back, though she would basically have to take the cat suit off to get to it. Not that a knife in her hands would be much of a threat against the Glock Super Magnums that the guards carried in their shoulder holsters. She sat in on the lone plastic chair in her cell after putting the dress back on. She sat barefooted with the shoes in her hands. She wanted the guards to go into a different room so she could use a bit of magic to drop the force fields. Both of the heels of the shoes contained items that they could use. The right on had a small screw driver blade. The left had about six feet of copper wire and was weighted. The thing about force fields was they were designed to push back as hard as they were pushed. Slowly pushing a hair thin copper wire through the field would allow her to cast a spell from inside the field that would short out the field. Then Rohaan would be able to make his move.